Monday, July 6, 2009

Feliz Cumpleanos Estados Unidos!

I know, irony that I wrote Happy Birthday America in Spanish!? I thought it was funny :)


Can I just say how lame I am that I never keep up with this blog. In my defense, I'm WAY better than I was when I first moved here, but nonetheless, it's still a good chunk of time in between posts.

So this weekend we celebrated our independence and the birth of our fine nation. Well, okay, maybe right now our nation isn't so fine, but still, I live in a bubble most of the time and never watch the news. Ah, ignorance is bliss.

I went down to one of my favorite places for the little holiday -- Logan, Utah. It was nice to get away from Rexburg for a bit and to forget that I go to school and that I am stressed out about 493.3938 things right now going on in my life. I stayed at the oh-so-hospitable Joe's house again and had a great time hanging out. I wish I had more pictures to show but unfortunately I didn't take a lot of pictures this weekend. Again, one of my many blogging imperfections. Blogs can be boring without pictures. Facebook has lots just go there for pictures. :)

I came back this weekend feeling different from when I left though. Very strange how that works. We'll see if and how long these new feelings last, but I realized that life is here to live and enjoy -- and that I need to relax and enjoy life more. My mind was in a strange place this weekend and I'm still not exactly sure where or how it ended up there. But I've come to some self realizations this weekend. I spent the weekend with Joe and Charlie and their family. I didn't do what I set out to do this weekend -- well not all of it at least. It just goes to show me that I need to stop expecting so much and go with it more. Charlie is a very go with the flow type of guy....and I admire that about him. I'm terrible at that. I always make these "plans" in my head....and they never turn out the way I want them to. So maybe I should stop planning so much and starting living life how it's going and loving that a little more?! Not sure if any of this made sense to you...but that's how I roll, I guess.

The mountains were beautiful and the weather was really great all weekend. Happy Birthday America.