Friday, April 23, 2010

Opera this, opera that.

So sometimes I get a little frustrated. I remember my first semester at Indiana University...surrounded by divas who couldn't get enough of themselves. Surrounded by guys and girls who wouldn't stop talking about who they studied with and how awesome they are.

In high school, it is safe to say that EVERYONE knew that I sang. Everyone. I also was probably a little more open about it and not afraid to go after I want. I've become a lot less aggressive as a person overall, so I stay under the radar a little bit.

I was super bummed about the fact that I was accepted into Kris Ceiseinski's studio...only to find out that she doesn't have room for me. However, the more I move up in my education, the more I realize that I need to maintain a quiet confidence. I have no desire to be a diva. I'd rather be respected, loved and admired for other things. I was excited to come to a school where I thought that people would be less diva-ish. Well, I've discovered that is not always the case. Still lots of divas. It's kind of annoying.

There are just so many things about being surrounded by Mormons, or people who were raised Mormon....there are just so many things that make me laugh.

Anywho...that's my little tangent. Off to piano class. Ugh.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Semester done? Check!!

Wow guys. So many great things to tell you about! I don't have tons of time to be writing today, but I wanted to keep you 3 people who read this informed.

First thing first, I'm done with school for another semester!!! Yay for Spring Break!! WHOO!! (Oh and by the way, before I forget I want to mention that I'm typing this little diddy on my new MAC!!! I finally am a Mac owner :) After years of Mac envy, I have one of my very own!! It's a used one, but I don't care! It's great!!! And I got it for a LOT cheaper than a new one would have cost me!) Now that I have that exciting news out of the way....

The semester finished up pretty well over all, minus one little bump of having to retake one class next semester, but oh well. If you fall off the horse, you get up and try, try again, right? But other than that, I'm pulling out solid A's and B's like a good student. I don't know if straight A's will ever be in my future. As long as I pull out solid A's and B's every semester, I can deal. Next semester is going to be INSANE!!!! Seriously, insane in the membrane for sure. But I'm still pumped about it. I'm taking 17 credits, volunteering as a mentor for the Heber J. Grant scholarship program, teaching a life skills workshop, and starting a business!! Crazy huh? I love it.

I am going home to Indiana on Monday for the week. I couldn't be more thrilled about it. I miss my family and friends. I'm so excited to see my Daddy!! And Adam!! And well, just everyone!!

Today is also a special day because one of my dear friends, Breanna, is getting married today! Another one bites the dust. If you're wanting to get married in the next year or so, just become best friends with me. It seems to work! Haha. On a serious note, I am so incredibly happy for her. I think of all of my friends and the weddings I have been able to witness and the special occasions I have been able to be a part of and I feel so very blessed. Due to geography, I haven't been able to witness the births of some of my favorite babies in person, but I love them all so much! I really feel like I need to be better about building relationships with them. I think of my mom and her best friends, some of which are still a part of my life today, and it is so enriching for me. It gives me an opportunity to learn more about my mom that I would never know otherwise. I am so excited to see my friends and their families grow. I am so excited to see where life takes each of us. But I'm just excited to live each day and see what that has to offer as well.

Okay, so anywho, I have some things to finish up.

Love and health,
