Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Good day to you sir.

Okay, so I remember when I used to see people playing this stupid games on facebook and I thought, "Psh. Facebook games are so LAME. Why do people get so into them."


Hello my name is Courtney....

and I'm addicted to ESPNU and Social City.

So, now, you all must get on and play these games to we can be neighbors and friends and stuff.

Or not.

Step one is just admitting there is a problem, right?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

This is my valentine :) Ryan and I have been dating since the beginning of the semester. Today marks our one month anniversary since our first date and I can honestly say I've never been happier. I feel like we've been together forever so it's kind of funny to say that we've only been dating for a month. He is the BEST boyfriend. We compliment each other so well and although I was apprehensive to say it (even though I knew it) at first because I'm a total cynic and never believed it was possible, I love him with all of my heart and have since the first week! Crazy, I know. I guess my friends were right that "when you know, you know". We have so much fun together and he has helped me be a better woman already. Ryan is different than anyone I've ever met. He's crazy, and can be shy or loud depending on who he is around. He eats like a caveman and he has the heart of a child. He is dependable, on time, and is strong in all the areas I'm not. I am so grateful for him. I'm so excited to have a valentine as wonderful as him.

I hope you all are able to celebrate your love with someone. I've spent a lot of valentine's days celebrating the ones I love, and this year is no different. I'm so blessed for having so many in my life that I love and that love me in return.

And PS.....I have glasses now. Here ya go.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Whoa. It's been a long long LONG time!

My bad, y'all.

I have an entry I want to share with you...but alas, it must wait.