Wednesday, December 19, 2007


So yesterday was an interesting day.....and panic seems to describe in quite nicely. I had TWO panic attacks yesterday. Not really sure why, or what caused them, but all I know is ENOUGH already!!! I've been dealing with panic attacks since the age of 12 or so...and they are no fun! But I'm telling you what, I am so grateful for my dad who will listen to me sob and say ridiculous things and somehow manages to help calm me down to the point where I can at least complete my task at hand. Last night though, I just couldn't shake it off and I felt prompted by the Spirit to ask for a blessing. I was struggling to feel the Spirit at all but this kept running through my head.
So a good friend came over and pronounced a blessing of comfort upon my little panic'd head. And immediately I felt the warmth of peace and the Spirit fill my entire body. It's like a calm after the storm came over me. I know that the Priesthood was restored through Jesus Christ himself and then passed down through Joseph Smith to the millions of men in this world who worthily hold it's powers. I am so grateful for it. I testify that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the only church in which this Holy Authority is given and pray that those who might be questioning it's validity seek the answers they are wanting from within and I know that they will be taught the truth if they have an open mind. I know this because I have experienced it for myself. I hope that someday my father will be able to hold the power of the Priesthood in his life and understand everything that it entails. I have faith that my family will be eternal and I know that through my diligence and righteous acts and desires, this will come to pass. I pray the same for all who read this....whether friend or foe. All who seek it can have it.

Oh and one last sister is in the hospital with the unborn baby. She will be there until the baby is born...which could be as early as two weeks. Please pray for her.

xoxo Court

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