Sunday, June 14, 2009

Crick or creek?

Okay, so the title has absolutely nothing to do with the topic other than the fact I took a nap earlier today, slept wrong, and have had the worst crick in my neck ever sense. Advil and a heating pad are my two favorite friends right now. (Except it is one of those stick on heating pads, and well, it's not doing a very good job of sticking. So now I'm getting a worse crick in my neck from sitting with my head stiff so the heating pad doesn't come unstuck. Really, could life get more complicated?!)

This week was a good week! I'll tell you why. Pay attention....

I started each day off with scripture reading and a prayer. AND I got up at 6:15a. Shocked, I know. Me? A morning person? Surely not! But I am telling you I have been trying it and I like it! I miss sleep sometimes, and still love naptime, but all in all, it's been such a great blessing for me. I just need to work on going to bed a little earlier.

I don't have anything particularly interesting to share with you. I went to a really great fireside tonight that helped me gain a little more appreciation of my self worth and the worth of those around me. We all have divine potential. But what really hit home is that being healthy and simple and clean is what is most important. As I have grown closer to God I have really come to love simplicity. I have come to find peace in the simple things. I still have big dreams, but they involve traveling to other countries and teaching children about being creators. Teaching them how to create by using music, books, art, and food and tapping into their imaginations. I think as adults we sometimes lose that passion inside of us to create something. I have two great clips I want you to watch. One is about creating...the other about distorted body images. Somehow, to me, they tie in together. We don't need to be perfect to be beautiful. We can create without those things.

This clip is excerpts from a talk given at a General Relief Society Broadcast given two years ago. I loved this talk. Creating is what makes me feel alive. The music behind this video is inspiring! Enjoy! If you ever need a pick me up or some inspiration, I recommend this video!

Crazy huh? Man...imagine how hot I could look with professional makeup artists and some photo shop!

Good night all :)

1 comment:

The Miranda's said...

wow..that second video was quite an eye opener..thanks for sharing!