Monday, March 8, 2010


So I should be looking over my music for my voice lesson that is in 30 minutes, but instead, I figured I needed to update you folks on my oh-so-lovely life.
When is the last time I even updated you? Oh...probably right after Adam and I started talking again. We're still best friends and it's great. He finally has a JOB again!! Congrats Adam! So proud of him :)'s been happening in the world of me? Well, it's been busy, that's for certain. Life is......really great!!! Opera Scenes just finished this past weekend and it was a blast. My favorite part? Teasing my hair a good 6" tall for our MacBeth scenes where I was a witch. It was fantastic. I have a shocking revelation for you. I actually like opera. Better yet, I'm considering actually having a career in it. I was shocked with myself. Who would have thought that I would start to love something after so many years of being so against it!? Next semester I will be *hopefully* studying with Kristine Ciesenski. (Check her out here: ) Her and her husband starting teaching as part time faculty here at BYUI a few years back. She is quite intense and quite intimidating. I figure that she will either make or break me as to whether or not I want to pursue a master's degree in Vocal Performance or if I want to go down another path (perhaps the musical theatre path) for grad school.

School has been going really well this semester. I think it's safe to say that I'm developing into a pretty good little student. There are still areas of improvement to be made, of course, but I do my homework and go to class almost all the time!! Yay me! I made a big decision this week to go on the fast grad program which will make my graduation in December of NEXT YEAR!!!! That means less than two years and I'll have a bachelor's degree! I'm pretty set on this it will have to take something major to distract me from it now. I'm just so excited to continue growing and learning. I see little improvements in things and have really grown as a musician over the last year.

Also, for the first time in my LIFE, I have been making financial strides and have paid off some major things. It's been so great. I have to say that it hasn't been completely on my own, as I've had some assistance from someone in some areas, but it has been a HUGE blessing to feel financially more secure than I think I ever have since I've been on my own. I'm grateful for PELL GRANTS!!! haha.

There have been other things here and there that have contributed to my pleasant feeling about life, such as having a boyfriend, even despite the fact we are no longer together, we are still friends and he does make me feel really great about's just too difficult to maintain a long distance relationship and things weren't adding up just right.

I've started to gain a love for flowers in my hair and DownEast clothing.

Well, I need to at least look at my music before I go to my lesson.

Love to you!♥ ♥

1 comment:

The Miranda's said...

I love, love, love hearing about your updates!