Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

This is my valentine :) Ryan and I have been dating since the beginning of the semester. Today marks our one month anniversary since our first date and I can honestly say I've never been happier. I feel like we've been together forever so it's kind of funny to say that we've only been dating for a month. He is the BEST boyfriend. We compliment each other so well and although I was apprehensive to say it (even though I knew it) at first because I'm a total cynic and never believed it was possible, I love him with all of my heart and have since the first week! Crazy, I know. I guess my friends were right that "when you know, you know". We have so much fun together and he has helped me be a better woman already. Ryan is different than anyone I've ever met. He's crazy, and can be shy or loud depending on who he is around. He eats like a caveman and he has the heart of a child. He is dependable, on time, and is strong in all the areas I'm not. I am so grateful for him. I'm so excited to have a valentine as wonderful as him.

I hope you all are able to celebrate your love with someone. I've spent a lot of valentine's days celebrating the ones I love, and this year is no different. I'm so blessed for having so many in my life that I love and that love me in return.

And PS.....I have glasses now. Here ya go.


The Reynolds said...

So happy for you, Court. You guys are super cute and I love reading your posts on facebook. I'm glad you're so happy and I LOVE the new glasses. Sassy!! Happy Valentine's Day!!

The Miranda's said...

Barf!! lol..j/k..I love it! Probably a little more than you, well maybe. I'm glad you are having such a wonderful time and I hope I get to meet this Ryan guy soon! Love you!