Friday, October 7, 2011

A Temple Marriage

Well I must say I'm very happy with the changes that Blogger is doing these days. I love the new designs!! I like the cutsie little blog backgrounds too, but it's time for a change I think.

Speaking of, hello? I'm getting married in TWO freaking WEEKS from tomorrow! (I know you're all aware.)

So what has been on my mind?

Okay, a lot honestly.

Today I just want to focus on one thing. It's a very important thing...

The Temples of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

What are Temples?

For those who do know, and those who will now know, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I'm actually a convert to the Church and was baptized when I was 17 years old. I'm coming up on my ten year anniversary of my baptism. There is a symbol of our faith that is very sacred to the members of our Church: The Temple. For those outside of our faith, the Temple might seem very intimidating or misunderstood. We are often accused of being "secretive" because what happens inside the temple is not discussed. We are allowed to talk about some aspects, but as far as the ordinances themselves, they are simply too sacred and too deep for those outside to truly understand. It is only within the walls of this holy place, that the ordinances of the Temple can be absorbed and understood fully. That is because the Spirit of God is stronger in a temple than in any other place in the world. You literally feel like you've left the world and stepped into a little piece of heaven when  you walk into it's majestic doors. Something I have been struggling with for years is the fact that because of my strong faith and belief in the restored Gospel and also in temples on Earth today, I am a bit of an outsider in my family. Since they are not LDS, and since I have lived much of my life after my conversion on my own, my beliefs are still somewhat of a mystery to them. Sure, they know I follow certain "rules" and that I choose to abstain from things like alcohol, tobacco, premarital sex, etc. I am much more conservative. The temple aspect of my marriage is the most important, but it has also been the most difficult aspect of my marriage to share with my family.

The Temple is a place of learning. It is a place of peace. It is a place of healing. It is a house of salvation. As Latter Day Saints, a core doctrine of our church is that the family unit can be eternal. This is done by a sealing ordinance performed only in the Temples of the Church by a priesthood holder who has been given the authorization to perform the sealing ordinance. This is done for the living and also for the dead.

The Family: A Proclamation to the World

So, since I am a believing Latter Day Saint, and my fiance is as well, we will be married in a Temple. The temple you see here actually (this is the Rexburg Idaho temple, which is where we live). There are about 150 temples throughout the world at this time, and that number continues to grow at a rapid rate.

We are so excited to be married in the Temple, but both of us have several (and in my case, all) family members who are not able to attend the sealing ceremony. It has torn me apart from the beginning...and we are trying to accomodate everyone. We have chosen to have a ring ceremony so my dad can walk me down an aisle and so our families can be a part of this incredible occasion. What I have realized is how much, even after 10 years, my family doesn't know about my faith. There is still so much that is a mystery to them. They have asked me questions here and there, but I don't ever want them to think I am shoving my religion down their throats. It has always been a topic that I don't discuss often unless they ask me questions. I hope that I live my life through example. However, they will all be here in two weeks. They will all see a temple for the first time (with the exception of my dad but he's only seen it once). They will actually come inside and see the foyer and the waiting room. The Rexburg Temple is open and beautiful in the entrance. This is a part of my life that I don't necessarily keep private, but I don't blast it out loud. Now I'm sharing this part of my life with those who are most important to me and I guess you could say that I'm nervous. I want them to feel what I feel when I am there. I want them to want to know more, if only for the fact that I believe so much in my faith, that the sealing ceremony is essential, despite them not being able to be a part of it.

Anyways....that has been on my mind. Ryan and I have both had our Bishop's interviews for our new temple recommends (all members of the Church who wish to perform ordinances in the temple must obtain a recommend to do so by being interviewed by their Bishop to ensure they are living their life according to a certain standard). We are so happy to be able to be sealed for time and all eternity. We have performed sealings by proxy for  many deceased is through those experiences that I really understood the promises I am making with him and more importantly, what covenants I'm making with God. I wish this blessing upon everyone. There is nothing like the knowledge of an eternal family.

For all those interested, there is a great and well explained article that is very unbiased explaining temple marriages. You can see it here: What is Temple Marriage?

The LDS faith has been much more out in the open lately due to many things...I hope that through this, people can answer their own questions regarding our faith. The best way to learn about what we believe is to ask someone who believes it and studies it. I have a close friend (well, unfortunately a couple of close friends) who have fallen away from the Church for various reasons. It's interesting to see the pattern that happens. Even in my own past, I have questioned the doctrines of the Gospel. I can assure you....the Gospel is true in it's entirety. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is Christ's church on the Earth today and it is led by a living prophet and apostles. The Gospel is the plan of peace. I have watched as those I love that have fallen away begin their questioning because they first sin. We are all sinners; however, I have realized that sins of morality make us particularly vulnerable to the lies that Satan can weave in our heads. Those sins keep us out of the Temple by jeopardizing our worthiness to enter a holy place such as the Temple. It is then that we can get kicked while we're down. It just makes me sad. It makes me sad to see someone fall into the trap of Satan's lies when they know more. Well, anyways, I feel like I'm rambling now (which I, undoubtedly, am doing).

I love the temple. I love my Savior. I love my family. I love my Ryan. I wish you all to have the opportunity to kneel at an altar with your love and promise to love them forever. I wish you all the opportunity to feel the peace of the temple.

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