Friday, January 23, 2009

Slackerville USA

Okay in my defense, the only thing I've been slacking on is blogging. (Okay, I did start to slack for like one DAY with my homework, but I quickly kicked my butt into gear and am now back to being blissfully busy again).

I feel redundant talking about how happy I am. But I really am truly happy. Life is not perfect, and I miss my family and friends back in Indiana but I feel at peace here. I'm starting to get into the swing of things and really starting to get familiar with campus and such. I'm slowly but surely starting to feel like myself again too (you know, the girl who draws attention to herself by always having something to say and likes to crack silly jokes).

So for all you non-Rexburg folks, here's a few interesting tidbits for you about what I've learned so far about Rexburg, ID (okay, maybe all of Idaho...but I spend most of my time in Rexburg obviously):

1. Snow. Embrace it. More importantly, learn how to drive in it.
2. There are mountains here. Big ones.
3. One a clear night you can see a bagillion more stars than back home. I'm a big fan.
4. Your ears pop sometimes.
5. Dry skin.
6. A section at Walmart dedicated to LDS Material.
7. Deseret Industries (aka the DI -- aka wayyy better than Goodwill)
8. We still have a lot of the same restaurants. And Jack in the Box is gross.
9. Lack of Asian cuisine makes me sad (and the chinese food I've tried...not impressed)
10. LOTS of Mexican places. I'm okay with that.
11. Stairs. Everywhere. You have to walk up or down stairs all the time on this campus....I'm grateful/hateful for that.
12. Dry skin.
13. Boy to girl ratio SUCKS. (1/3....)
14. Two temples within 30 minutes. :)
15. And last but not least....there are Mormons EVERYWHERE :) :) :) :)

That's for all you non-mormons and mormons alike. It's so nice to have members of the Church everywhere you go. That doesn't mean that all of them are super mormons, but still, the Spirit is very present on campus. It's peaceful and great.

Soo.....that's the 'burg in a nutshell.

I feel like I've been here longer than 2.5 weeks. Then again, I can't believe I've already been here that long.

I will try to do a better job about blogging. I'm sorry that I've neglected you lately :(

Next topic: All Women Choirs and why I struggle with it.

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