Wednesday, February 4, 2009

As promised :)

Oh yes. We are going to discuss Women's Choir.

Disclaimer: My aversion to all women choirs is quite stern and passionate. I do not intend to offend.

On with the show.....

90 girls in a room. 90 girls, some of which are talented singers in their first or second year as voice majors, some of which are non-majors but can sing their parts and hold their own.

The first day we started to sing a hymn and I thought to myself "Wow....not too bad. Maybe I was being a little hasty on judging a college choir."

Then, the thing I dread the most, the very thing that I cannot stand about womens choirs....I started to hear it. It's like a burning in my ear. It makes my nose twitch and my eyebrows raise.

The pitch was flat.

By a half step.

Now, most of you wont know the difference. I assure you that most of the girls don't know the difference. Most importantly, most of you don't care. haha. But, I was blessed/cursed with something called relative pitch. Actually, if I was a piano player and knew the names of the notes, I would probably have perfect pitch. I can normally sing a song in the original key or within a half step of the key almost every time...even if it's been a year since I've heard the song. Being on pitch just sticks in my head.

Women, in general, have an airy quality to their singing voices. So some women, in a manner of overcompensation, try to push their voices to sound "more mature". What happens is they have no resonance and instead have a flat, pushed sound....causing them to go flat. Even many women who sing professionally struggle with finding the right amount of space to create a full, rich sound. So, put 90 women on a room who are all attempting to outsing one another and what do you have.....

a group of women singing flat.

And it drives me insane. Insane. Insane. Insane. Insane. Insane.

Okay....thank you for allowing me to get that off my chest.
I could go on, but again, most of you, in fact perhaps all of you, really don't care about women's choir. :)

I'm really trying to be better about blogging. I love blogging....but my world is ever so busy.

Thank you for your patience and I hope you haven't forgotten about me!

1 comment:

Lindsay Wilson PHOTOGRAPHY said...

I think of you every time American Idol is on...