Thursday, March 19, 2009

Holy Crap -- How does she do that?

For those who live under a rock...I am studying vocal performance. I have actually started to love and embrace the opera art form. First of all, it is HARD. It is a style of singing that is incredibly difficult. It requires so much attention and so much effort! So anyways....I'm singing this song called "Rejoice Greatly" from Messiah and I have had to work SOOOOO hard to sing it correctly. It has a lot of runs, which if it was a pop song wouldn't be as hard, but in this style, it makes it that more challenging.

So that you can see what I'm trying to is Renee Fleming's performance of this song. In case you are unsure who Renee Fleming is, she's only one of the most amazing opera singers EVER. I come no where NEAR this, but I do try! :) Renee Fleming was one of the first opera singers I was ever exposed to. She has an incredible gift.

This is another song that is CRAAAAAZZZYYYY. You wanna talk about runs?! This lady goes OFF.


I know to some this might be boring, but if you see it for what it is, then hopefully you can appreciate it. Even a hooker can be converted to loving opera! See below for a clip from my FAVORITE MOVIE EVER!!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

The House of the Lord

Is my blog boring you? Or my lack of keeping it updated? If so, I do apologize. Perhaps I can find more exciting things to evaluate and write about. I will work on this.

I actually have a day off! I couldn't be more excited about that :) It was technically by default because I got my training schedule wrong, but who cares!

This week was SO busy! But here's what I've learned -- being busy is actually pretty nice! I'm busy doing things that mean something to me. I'm starting to get the performing bug again. Man, I missed that bug!

So today I've been doing a lot of catch up things, like cleaning, sleeping in a little (just a little though....), and doing much needed laundry. Not to mention, I've wasted a tiny bit of time on facebook.

oooooookkkkkk ---- So since I have a few minutes to write, I want to write about something that is pretty near and dear to my heart. Temples.

What is a temple, you ask? Well, most of you who read my blog know, but for those of you who don't...Temples are dedicated buildings in which we do work for the Lord and perform saving ordinances for those who are deceased, as well as living ordinances for ourselves. Marriages, the Endowment, as well as baptisms for the dead are all performed here. If you are unsure about these concepts, I encourage you to seek out the writings of the scriptures on these ancient practices. You can also visit for more information specifically about my Church. In Christ's primitive Church, temples were a very important part of religious worship. Through the Restoration of the Gospel and the opening of the last dispensation of the fullness of times, temples have been re-introduced to the world again. They are not a new concept. Temples are some of the most beautiful buildings on Earth. There are currently over 120 temples scattered throughout the world. Below are some pictures...





These are some of my favorites. As you can see, they vary in size and shape. Some are very big (like Salt Lake) and some are smaller, like Louisville, KY (not shown).

So a show on HBO called "Big Love" is going to be airing a re-enactment of a temple ceremony on, first off, I do not recommend watching it. Especially if you think you're going to get the "inside scoop" on anything related to temple ceremonies. I guarantee you that it will be inaccurate. But just the fact that HBO is making light of one of the most sacred things in the world to about 14 million people makes me sick. I wish there was something I could do to prevent it, but unfortunately, there is not. I, can, however, do my best to educate people on the temples and their purposes. So in addition to my lovely pictures, I would like to show you this wonderful video! Enjoy!

I know, with assurance, and by the power of the Holy Ghost, that temples serve a grand and glorious purpose in the last days before Christ's return. I know that they are by where we can receive the knowledge to live with our Heavenly Father once again. I am so grateful to have a temple right across the street from me. I get to see it every day. I love to go there.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Baby Mama Drama

I've come to the realization that I struggle to create catchy titles these days. I'm really not on my blogging A game anymore.

And that is sad.

For us all.

Because I am hilarious and we should all benefit from it.

Hm. My humility amazes me. Now...what I actually wanted to talk about.

All of my best friends are mommys now. Their blogs are pictures and stories mainly about their kids (except for vandi's random escapades about the Bachelor -- I was a little disappointed myself...I liked Melissa better -- ANYWHO) I don't have any children to speak of, unless of course, you count my roommates :) but that's more of a housekeeper as opposed to a mother. So as of late, I feel like I have so much yet nothing to contribute to the blogging world. Could I talk about my classes and my schedule? Could I rant on about boys and relationships? Could I talk about how much the Lord blesses me each and every day?

I'm in a strange mood. Unfortunately, it's a bit of a melancholly mood at this moment in time. It could be because I have eaten like crap for the past two days...and I tend to feel as good as the food I eat. That's interesting, huh?

School is going really well. I'm busy as heck though....but in the long run, it will be worth it. I start work at TGIFridays this week. I'm so glad I finally have a job. I wish I didn't have to drive 30 miles to get to it....but I'm grateful for a job.

My dad came to visit me this weekend! It's almost surreal having him here but it's been so great. I've gotten to show him a lot and I've really enjoyed my time with him. It's worn me out though for sure! (Or that could be the fact that I've gone to bed entirely too late the past two nights).

Does anyone else feel OLD? Because I'm really starting to sometimes. I just have so much to do...I feel like such a dud! But that could just be because of my mood. I could have gone out tonight...yet I chose to stay home. HMMMMM.....what is wrong with this picture? haha. Honestly though, I'm so serious when I say I feel as good as the food I eat. When I eat food that's really bad for you...I physically feel worse and emotionally feel worse too. Perhaps I should stop that then huh?! DUH.
While I'm on that topic...I've been really frustrated lately because I haven't been eating as healthy as I normally do, nor do I have a lot of time to work out. I've put on a few pounds since I've moved and it's SOOOO frustrating. I worked my butt off last year to lose weight...and I'm NOT going to gain it back! I went to the store this weekend and bought my normal food that I used to eat all the time. So hopefully that will help. NO MORE EATING OUT SO MUCH. I have plenty of food at I need to eat that.

Anyways, I'm sure you all love listening to me go on about this.

So let's talk about your opinion...and I mean it, I want your opinion. A girl asking a guy out? Is this a welcomed gesture by guys or should a girl wait for a guy to ask her? There is a boy here at school that I find rather humorous and I'd like to get to know him better. I flirt with him and he totally flirts back but he won't ask me out! WHY NOT!? hehe. Could it be because he has a girlfriend on a mission? He's allowed to date other people though. Hm....Boys confuse me :( Why do I love them so much?

Can I complain for 5.3 seconds? Nevermind. I don't feel like complaining.

Man, I sound kind of pathetic don't I? I promise I'm not....I'm just in this random mood. Those happen sometimes....

So, here are some things that make me laugh:

1. The women who horded like a half of a pizza in her purse at Craigo's pizza buffet yesterday at lunch.

2. Hot Diggity Dog -- deep fried chili dogs.

3. 500 miles.

4. My roommate Stacy always makes me laugh.

5. Dan the Man being able to do my critical thinking homework.

6. 30 mph wind. No wait, that's not funny. That's annoying. :)

7. The fact that it's 70 in Indiana today and 20 here.

Okay, that's my random thoughts for today! Adios!