Sunday, October 11, 2009

Working harrrrd for the money!

Well hello! Sorry 'bout my little fit earlier. Sometimes a girl just has to rant.


So, my weeks pretty much consist of one thing. Work. I enjoy my job, don't get me wrong, but man oh man...I'm a tired girl on Sundays. On Saturdays I have been working doubles at Cafe Sabor in Bear Lake in addition to the regular crazy busy schedule I work at Hamilton's during the week. It's about an hour drive through a gorgeous (and very curvy!) canyon but I always make really good money there so, to me, toootttally worth the drive. Not to mention, Justin lets me drive the company's 4'runner up there so I don't have to put extra miles on my car or use my gas money :) Gotta love having a boss who's on your side.

The only downfall to all this work is my lack of a social life and lack of energy to have an "after work" social life. I am normally pretty spent after running around on my feet for 10 or so hours. I love doing it, so I really don't mind, but it makes life outside of work a little less than entertaining. Luckily, when I come home I'm not all by myself so I haven't turned into a total isolated being. The money has been nice, and very helpful! I am happy (and embarrassed) to report that I am driving with a valid driver's lisence, plates, and insurance. It always seemed one or the other was missing in the equation. Although don't get me started on how I feel about paying $90/month on insurance. Ugh.

So needless to say trying to hang out and meet people, let alone go on dates, has presented itself with a challenge! But I'm happy to report that I have managed to find a date that is just as busy as I am and we both have Monday nights free! hahah. How about a little FHE dating action? Oh yeah....well, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do, right!? I made a goal for myself to go on at least one date a month -- nothing major, just something casual -- so I can meet some people and maybe one day snag up some stellar dude to bring home to my daddy. I've met some great guys so I figure, why not? I'm at a point in my life right now where something serious might be too complicated for me, but I think I need the experience of casual dating. So, it should be fun. :)

Tomorrow should be an exciting day. For starters, I have the day off. HOLLERRR. But in addition to that, I am going to expand my horizons and yes, wait for it..................................I'm going to learn how to change my own oil. Nice, right!? I think girls should know how to do that. I enjoy being handy and having additional knowledge so I'm pretty stoked. Charlie is being a gentlemen and helping a girl out with my first time. Wait, er, um, I mean....yeah that didn't sound so good. haha! You know what I'm trying to say! Get your mind outta the gutter!

Life is pretty good, folks. I can't complain. I hope life is treating you well also.

Oh, and since it's fast and testimony Sunday, allow me to share.

If there is one thing I want you all to remember me by it is the fact that I know God is who He says He is. I know He is our Father in Heaven and He stands as the Supreme Being and God of this universe. I know He is a loving and almighty man, who lives, and knows each of us by name and situation and status. He sent us His only begotten Son, even Jesus Christ, to this earth to walk and talk among men. And Christ came here to minister unto us and to all people to show them the way back to our Father in Heaven. He made the ultimate sacrifice and was crucified on a cross for our sins, our pain, our sorrows, our heartaches. He bled from every pore for each of us. I know that Christ established a church, one church, that taught the fullness of His gospel and message. I know that although at one time lost due to the iniquity of man, we are now in the fullness of times, the last dispensation before the return of our Savior. Jesus Christ re-established His church again on the earth and He did this through a prophet, Joseph Smith Jr. Joseph Smith did have a vision. He saw Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. He was given the keys and authority to restore the gospel of Christ back into it's glory and fullness so that we might prepare the Earth for Christ's return once again to rule. I know that His church is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It is through His living Church we have the answers to some of life's most difficult questions. I know these things are true by the power of the Holy Ghost. I have felt it's power and I have received a witness of these things. I love my Savior and I love my Father in Heaven. I pray for their mercy and forgiveness of my mortal mistakes and am eternally grateful for the sacrifice of a perfect man on my behalf to make me whole.

I leave that testimony with you in the name of my Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

1 comment:

The Miranda's said...

I love your testimony and I'm so glad to hear that things are going well! Have fun learning how to change your oil...let me know how your once a month date work out...miss you!