Sunday, January 24, 2010

Pink and Purple

According to fashion magazines, purple is the new pink. Good thing I love both!

And I've started to really enjoy having my fingernails painted. Normally, not my style. Lately, very much enjoyable. It makes me feel girly and pretty.

Oh, and the Colts play the Jets tomorrow. I CAN'T WAIT! And I'm being a good girl and missing part of the game to do church stuff (God first, then football) but I'm not kidding when I say that if the Jets even come CLOSE to beating us tomorrow, I will have words. I have faith in my team though. I don't think they're going to let us down. There aren't a lot of NFL watchers here at school. It's really quite sad. Not to mention I'm a girl and I talk about Colts football like I would talk about shoes or clothes. Meh. Such is life. :)

I just thought you'd enjoy that randomness for the day.

xoxo. Court

1 comment:

The Miranda's said...

I always enjoy your thoughts! I'm pumped for the game too! and enjoy painting your nails..Kelly's been doing that a lot lately too! I haven't quite caught the bug.