Tuesday, May 18, 2010

You look like him.

There is a boy here on campus that I've become well acquainted with this semester that one day looked eerily familiar. Now every time I see him, I see a little bit of you. I don't know what to make of it or what to think of it. I just know that your blue eyes could look straight through me and I sometimes think his do too.

I miss your blue eyes.

Anthony Fordyce was my first real boyfriend and also my first "I love you". He was a first a lot of things. He was my first real kiss. My first real date. My first fight. My first break up. We barely talked through high school after we had broken up. Then one day, out of the blue, three years after we had left high school, his voice was on the other end of my home phone. We became good friends again and he even lived with me for a while (just as a roommate....but I'd be lying if the idea of more never crossed my mind). In October of 2008, Anthony was found dead in his apartment from an overdose on pain killers. I will never forget that day. His life was cut short all too soon. Now, I see him everytime I look at this guy at school and I just don't know what to do with it. I was just thinking about it though....and I needed to get that out in the air.


The Miranda's said...

I don't know what to say, except, I think that's kinda neat. I really do. I hope you are doing well and I miss you!

Kristine & Richard Low said...

Moments like that make life so surreal

sHeNiQua said...

WOW...that's got to be an eerie feeling but also a great moment in life. my gma says when you feel something that you cant explain its God tellin you something..Maybe you should talk to this Blued Eyed man who's been around?...Cool story though whatever you do!:)