Sunday, September 26, 2010

le Tutor

This semester I took a job as a music tutor for theory as well as diction for singers. I can say that I'm quite a bit busier than I ever expected to be, but I am really loving my job. It only pays $8/hr but I haven't had a job in so long that has been worthwhile or made consistent money that I'm THRILLED with $8/hr. 

My schedule has been nothing short of boring, so my apologies for my lack of posts lately (sidenote, I did spoil you rotten over my summer break. Sometimes, even two a day). School is in full swing, and my life has gone back to hectic schmectic.

Despite my busy schedule I can tell you that I feel more at easy with  my life everyday. Is everything in my life perfect? Heck no, tech-i-no. But for some reason, it doesn't matter anymore. I finally am starting to see that life is what you make it. Life is here to enjoy and do the Lord's work. It is here to live and be happy. For me in particular, my life is filled with all sorts of wonderful things. I have beautiful music surrounding me every day. I walk up and down the halls in the Snow Performing Arts building (aka my home away from home....I swear they need cots downstairs) and I hear a saxophone playing a jazzy melody, followed by a cellist bowing on the deep, rich and warm strings of their instrument, then to hear someone warming up their voice or rehearsing for the Opera. I hear the piano being pounded away. It is everywhere. I just love it. Then, I have my cozy and beautiful room to come home to. I have my little bed with my soft, white comforter and pictures of inspiring things and the family and friends that I love most dear surrounding me on my walls. I have reminders of all the things I adore in this world. I look out my window and to my left, there is a magnificent temple of God standing in miraculous awe. It is white and bright and absolutely stunning. Then to my right, the twinkling lights of the valley below. In the mornings, especially when there are no clouds, I can see the mountain ranges in the distance and you can see for miles and miles. 
Then there is my slight obsession with food. Not just any food though. I'm not talking twinkies and doughnuts here people. I'm talking about walking around the Rexburg Farmer's Market staring at the ears of corn, the beautiful fall harvest's selection of anything fruit or vegetable your little heart desires. One of my favorite places in the world is a beautiful, clean grocery store. I wish I had my own farm stand to pick fresh food from every day. I get my farm fresh chickens from the same guys every week. The banana bread that I made today actually melts a little in your mouth. The best part is that everything in it is good for you. Even the real sugar. :) 
Sure, school and tutoring are time consuming. I spend almost all week on campus from 10am-8 or 9pm every single day. But I've decided that those days are filled with learning and teaching; growing and progressing. 

I've been thinking a lot about marriage lately (no surprise I think about relationships. I'm a mormon....and I'm 26....a woman....and I go to BYU-"I DO"). My religion class this semester is "Preparing for Eternal Marriage". It's apparently a big enough commitment that it needs a its own class. I'm so looking forward to the day where I know that the person I'm seeing across from me on that alter is my best friend and the man who will stick by me. He will be my teammate in life. It's taken a little longer than I have hoped, but some of that is my own fault. I think I'm finally thinking about really, truly, allowing myself to hang on to the hope that someone is out there that is worthy of my love and I of his love.

So anywho, that is what has been on my mind tonight. 

I hope you're all well. :) 



Monday, September 13, 2010

Sabbath Tidings

In lieu of the Sabbath, please allow me to share a video with you.

I love the peace that following the Gospel brings into our life if we allow it to do so. It is so easy to get caught up in the world. It is so easy to be lazy and cavalier about life. It is so easy to be distracted by so much noise. I love this message. Props to AP for telling me about it so I can pass it on!

Happy Sabbath!


Friday, September 10, 2010

First day of 15th grade!

Translated: First day of Junior year at BYUI.

It was rainy today.

That means great news for my wardrobe. I broke out my PINK RAIN BOOTS. Any excuse to wear these bad boys is a good one. So, anyone new who met me today learned something that most people figure out rather quickly anyways. I like the color pink. Between the pink boots, pink earrings, pink undershirt (I wore a gray dress with my jean jacket over under the dress), my pink phone and pink bookbag....yeah...I like pink.

Is it ironic that I never say pink is my favorite color? My favorite colors are actually purple and light blue. But pink seems to be the color that I find myself connecting to on a personal level more often than not. I guess it's what makes me...well, me!

What happened to dressing up on the first day of school? Does college not count? I think it should. My roommate Megan and I were discussing the fact that the world, working and students, are becoming more and more casual. Kids don't dress up for school pictures anymore or the first day of school it seems. Heck, back in the day (and that day would be when my parents were in school, so it was pretty far back there! Sorry Dad!), girls dressed up to go to school everyday! Skirts were common place and women looked like women. Little girls looked like little girls. Granted I am happy the men's basketball shorts are longer. (That fashion idea never made sense to me. I do not need to see your hairy thighs!!) No one even dresses up very fancy for weddings or church anymore. Casual used to be a button up shirt and some slacks or maybe jeans. Now, sweats and such are our go-to outfits far more than they should be.

I think we need to make a movement to bring fancy back.

(I'm bringing fancy back. YEAH.)

(Just sing that like J.T. would do. It's a lot funnier.)



Tuesday, September 7, 2010


it feels good to be a gangsta.

And it's great to be back in Rexburg.

It took me a couple of days to get excited but everyone is getting settled in and back into town. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.

More to come soon.



Friday, September 3, 2010


Chinese myth? No. It's really a place. Once upon a time Wyoming was just a state on the map. I thought to myself, "Who lives in Wyoming?" Well, I guess a few people do. Mainly of the cowboy nature. I have now been to Wyoming and graced a few hotel/motel options here as well. Wyoming isn't so much of a mystery place to me nowadays. It's only a couple of hours away.

I always wondered what the difference between a "hotel" and "motel" was (other than the price) and I think I've come to a solid conclusion. My ever-so-generous brother in law who is a regular traveler for his job had some points racked up with Holiday Inn so I am writing to you from the comforts of my nice, quiet, dry bed. I throw dry in there for good reason. Motel 6 in Iowa City -- WET. The rooms were damp. I'm not exaggerating this in the slightest. It kind of blew my mind how everything was wet. (Allow me to flashback to one of my favorite scenes from "The Proposal" where they run into each other naked: "BUT I DON'T UNDERSTAND! WHY ARE YOU WET??) Precisely my question indeed Motel 6! The floors, sheets, pillows...they all had a dampness. AP didn't believe me at first, but the next morning he even realized that everything was in fact, wet. I digress. (Got myself on a little tangent there...)
Last night we stayed at a Super8 Motel. The beds, comfortable. The service, adequate. Complimentary breakfast, carb city but they had one of those flip over waffle makers and some peanut butter and honey so I couldn't complain too much. I thought it was pretty decent (definitely overpriced though). Then we get to the Holiday Inn. The staff wears uniforms, the beds have wood furniture and towels big enough to cover your whole body. There is a business center, restaurant and bar and room service. There we go folks. Room service makes the difference. Uniforms and polite, friendly service makes a difference. I now know the difference between motel and hotel. I'm not sure if for one night's stay it would be worth the extra cash to stay in a hotel vs. a motel, but I do know that I would at least feel like I might be getting my money's worth at a hotel. I feel like most motels are kind of a rip off.
So tomorrow I'll be back in Rexburg. Ah, Rexburg, Idaho. I'm excited to see friends and to get back to some sort of normalcy and schedule. I still feel a little sad about leaving, but it wasn't as bad today as it was yesterday. Things are starting to feel good again. I will see mountains tomorrow. I'm thrilled about that.

This month is National Yoga Awareness month! I can tell you that I ♥ Yoga and I recommend it to everyone. It is not just a workout for the mind, but for the soul. That is definitely one of my favorite things about it. I always feel so energized and strong when I am done. Have you done your yoga? :)

There are FREE yoga classes being offered all month long at various gyms throughout the United States. Click the link to find out more! 



Thursday, September 2, 2010

Back to reality.

Indiana. Check.
Illinois. Check.
Iowa...almost check.

So the adventure begins again. I am currently sitting in my hotel room in a little town called Stuart, Iowa (just west of Des Moines). I would take pictures, but frankly, it all looks the same. The one cool thing about Iowa are the windmills. My pictures would scarcely do them justice. I just copied a picture from google that gives you a better idea. On the way out here, AP and I saw some windmill blades being transported on semi trucks. They are the biggest things I've ever seen.

Beautiful, no? 

Leaving Indiana was a different feeling than any other time before. Maybe it's because I started getting used to being "home" again. As we drove further and further away, I felt like a bit of my heart stayed there this time. It was my longest visit home since my venture out west, so perhaps it was expected to settle into my hometown's beautiful landscapes and warm feelings of family and friends. I miss everyone already. I'm looking forward to returning again for another visit. No matter where I go or what I experience in my life, Indianapolis will always been home. It will always be where I learned to walk, ride a bike, drive a car, get my first job, graduate from high school, where my family is, where my mother is buried, where I have experienced so many things. 

As I return back to Idaho, I do so with the excitement of seeing friends who have become near and dear to my heart. I do so with knowing that everyday I will get to hear and experience music. This break has once again given me time to reflect and re-adjust my perspective and my goals and desires for the semester. I have a few pictures from the break, but I really need a new camera. 

Here were some highlights (in no particular order I assure you):

  • Going to Ohio to see my sister. "Tookies and Aunt Tortney"
  • Spending the day with my Dad. I learn more from him and about him all the time. I love it.
  • Seeing Hunter and Allyson sleeping every night when I came home. Hugging them whenever I wanted and seeing them on the first day of school. I can't imagine what I will feel when I have children of my own to love because I know how much I love them...
  • Being able to spend time with Adam. The Mach 1, seeing (and hearing up close!) a drag car for the first time, MotoGP, late night redbox movies, Southeastway Park, Sailboats at Eagle Creek, The IMA and the baby deer with her mom, The urban garden downtown, Romeo and Ozzy, driving around on 31....the list goes on.
  • Going hiking at Eagle Creek Park with Charles.
  • Red Velvet Cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory. OH. MY. GOSH.
  • Spending time with Chris and Jennifer.
  • Seeing Tiffany, Lana, and Tammy. 
  • Going to the cemetery to see my mom's grave for the first time in 12+ years.
  • Sleeping in :)
  • Reading Eat. Pray. Love. (which I finished on the drive today! Loved it!)
  • Walking the canal. 
The list could go on and on, but those things stuck out in my mind. I'm sorry to all those that I didn't see. It isn't because I didn't want to or because you aren't important. Honestly, I sometimes feel like the time went by SO fast. No time at all and it was done. Back to reality I guess. 

