Sunday, September 26, 2010

le Tutor

This semester I took a job as a music tutor for theory as well as diction for singers. I can say that I'm quite a bit busier than I ever expected to be, but I am really loving my job. It only pays $8/hr but I haven't had a job in so long that has been worthwhile or made consistent money that I'm THRILLED with $8/hr. 

My schedule has been nothing short of boring, so my apologies for my lack of posts lately (sidenote, I did spoil you rotten over my summer break. Sometimes, even two a day). School is in full swing, and my life has gone back to hectic schmectic.

Despite my busy schedule I can tell you that I feel more at easy with  my life everyday. Is everything in my life perfect? Heck no, tech-i-no. But for some reason, it doesn't matter anymore. I finally am starting to see that life is what you make it. Life is here to enjoy and do the Lord's work. It is here to live and be happy. For me in particular, my life is filled with all sorts of wonderful things. I have beautiful music surrounding me every day. I walk up and down the halls in the Snow Performing Arts building (aka my home away from home....I swear they need cots downstairs) and I hear a saxophone playing a jazzy melody, followed by a cellist bowing on the deep, rich and warm strings of their instrument, then to hear someone warming up their voice or rehearsing for the Opera. I hear the piano being pounded away. It is everywhere. I just love it. Then, I have my cozy and beautiful room to come home to. I have my little bed with my soft, white comforter and pictures of inspiring things and the family and friends that I love most dear surrounding me on my walls. I have reminders of all the things I adore in this world. I look out my window and to my left, there is a magnificent temple of God standing in miraculous awe. It is white and bright and absolutely stunning. Then to my right, the twinkling lights of the valley below. In the mornings, especially when there are no clouds, I can see the mountain ranges in the distance and you can see for miles and miles. 
Then there is my slight obsession with food. Not just any food though. I'm not talking twinkies and doughnuts here people. I'm talking about walking around the Rexburg Farmer's Market staring at the ears of corn, the beautiful fall harvest's selection of anything fruit or vegetable your little heart desires. One of my favorite places in the world is a beautiful, clean grocery store. I wish I had my own farm stand to pick fresh food from every day. I get my farm fresh chickens from the same guys every week. The banana bread that I made today actually melts a little in your mouth. The best part is that everything in it is good for you. Even the real sugar. :) 
Sure, school and tutoring are time consuming. I spend almost all week on campus from 10am-8 or 9pm every single day. But I've decided that those days are filled with learning and teaching; growing and progressing. 

I've been thinking a lot about marriage lately (no surprise I think about relationships. I'm a mormon....and I'm 26....a woman....and I go to BYU-"I DO"). My religion class this semester is "Preparing for Eternal Marriage". It's apparently a big enough commitment that it needs a its own class. I'm so looking forward to the day where I know that the person I'm seeing across from me on that alter is my best friend and the man who will stick by me. He will be my teammate in life. It's taken a little longer than I have hoped, but some of that is my own fault. I think I'm finally thinking about really, truly, allowing myself to hang on to the hope that someone is out there that is worthy of my love and I of his love.

So anywho, that is what has been on my mind tonight. 

I hope you're all well. :) 



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