Friday, October 1, 2010

Jazz and Friday Nights

TGIF. Don't you just love Fridays?!

Here's why I currently loved this Friday.

1. It's an absolutely beautiful day outside. No clouds. High 84. Low 40.
2. The Farmer's Market in fall. Need I say more? Authentic Italian homemade Foccacia bread and asiago cheese bread. Artisan sheep's milk cheese. Mmmm.....
3. Cleaning my room and organizing the drawers in my desk that had become a disarray.
4. The scent of my cinnamon plum candle. 
5. Jazz music. Lots and lots of jazz music.
6. Talking to Adam on the phone for the first time in a week!
7. Only two classes and no work. YES!
8. Tomorrow is the weekend. :)

Happy Friday to you!


1 comment:

The Miranda's said...

And Happy Saturday to you!