Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I have no words for this title.

I can either sleep for 14 hours or not sleep at all. My stomach gets upset every time I eat. I am craving salt and carbs like it's my job. I am exhausted and I just want to cry sometimes. I'm SO over school that I can scarcely take it.

On the other hand, Ryan is the cutest, best future husband a girl could ask for. I stayed home sick today and when he came over he told me to go get my hairbrush and some lotion. He made me take tylenol because I felt hot and maybe had a fever. He brushed my hair for a while and then he put lotion on my feet and rubbed then. Later, I was hungry and all I wanted was grilled cheese and soup. Ryan isn't much of a cook...he makes dutch pancakes and scrambled eggs and rice in a rice cooker. But he made me grilled cheese and ramen and it was PERFECT. He made it all by himself and when I tried to help he made me go lay back down. He cleaned up the dishes and was so patient and sweet to me. This, my friends, is one lucky girl. He told me I looked cute when I'm sick. Seriously, I don't know how I found him but thank goodness I'm keeping him!

So, obviously my life is great..I'm just so stressed about school and work. This is how my body reacts to stress...I know that's what is going on. I'm so stressed out I'm making myself sick.

I just need to breathe.
And maybe do some yoga.
Six more weeks and then I'll have five months off from school.

You can do this. You can do this. You can do this.


janmatheny said...

I remember last semester when you two finally hooked up. You guys are so cute! Love and miss you guys!

The Miranda's said...

Yes you can do it! I'm so happy for you and Ryan! He's seems awesome! I miss you my friend.