Monday, November 21, 2011

Random Ramblings for Monday Monday

1. Happy one month anniversary to my love! Best month of my life to date! Being married is great.

2. I took a four hour nap yesterday afternoon, which then resulted in me not going to sleep until almost 2am last night. I'm exhausted and am trying to avoid napping today so I don't start myself in some vicious bad sleeping cycle. Is 3:30pm too early to go to bed? Okay, fine....

3. I took an IQ test today. Guess who is in the top 2.3% of intelligences?!? Who knew?! I guess I'm perty smert after all.

4. I like my new financial aid advisor. She actually answers my emails and knows what she is talking about. Yay!

5. We don't get to go home for Christmas this year. I am SUPER bummed. I have never not been in Indiana for Christmas. I don't know how I'm handling it yet. I don't want to spend my first Christmas as a married couple crying. Haha.

6. Thanksgiving is THURSDAY! YESSSSSSS.

7. I think I'm still a little bitter about how many people in Indiana didn't come to my reception. Is that caddy of me? My family was there, which of course, was most important, but I invited like 150 people...all of whom I consider to be close friends or almost family, if not family. Barely 50 people were there. My mom's best friend and her daughter were home sick. I couldn't believe they didn't come. I mean, I understand being sick, but still...I didn't think there was anything that would keep them from not coming to celebrate my wedding. Only one of my friends from my single's branch back home stopped by, and he came when we were cleaning up. None of my mom's friends showed up that came to my shower. It was just weird. I know it sounds really petty, but it was, to date, the most important event in my life. Had I flaked out on any of them like that? I didn't think I had. My wedding was great, don't get me wrong, and I still had so much fun with those that were there, but to those that weren't, it did not go unnoticed.

So that's my Monday ramblings. I'll follow it up with a gratitude post soon...since I was doing a lot of complaining on this one.

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