Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sorted thoughts.

The dishwasher is running. The apartment is clean. My love is tucked in bed fast asleep and I have time to sip my herbal beverage and reflect on life.

I've already been a married woman for three weeks now. Time flies by. We attended our new ward today for the first time (for all three hours) and I really love it. I think we made a great move by going there instead of the married student ward. For those who are wondering, "what is a ward?" it is an LDS congregation of members in a certain geographical location. That is how the church is divided into individual congregations...or "wards". I believe it was derived from England where townships were called wards, or something like that. I digress. I felt so comfortable there. It helps that from the get-go we knew a handful of people, namely professors that teach where we attend school.

So the grand question, how is married life? Married life is wonderful. It is everything I have ever wanted it to be honestly. When I used to dream about how I wanted to be with my husband, this is what I've always dreamt of having. We love each other and he is my best friend in the whole wide world. There isn't any aspect of myself that I don't feel comfortable sharing with him. We have a great relationship and I feel we are off to a great start. It has been interesting to be asked "have you had any big blow ups yet"...and to those people I say, nope! I'm not saying that Ryan and I are the model couple for how to enter into a marriage, but I can say that I think we did things in a manner when we were dating and when we were engaged that tested our relationship, as well as helped our relationship naturally progress into marriage. Also, we don't sweat the small stuff. I think this can be HUGE. A guy in our ward that used to be Ryan's old roommate was one of the ones who asked us if we had fought yet (he is also a somewhat newlywed). He gave examples of "buttering your toast weird" or doing something that annoys the other person. When we said no, he looked shocked! I can only assume he might not have been so lucky! :) I know that our relationship won't always be this hunky-dory love fest, but we are good so far so why worry about it right now!!! We didn't have too many adjustments to make, so life is just great. That's all I have to say about that.

I'm registered for classes next it's back to school, back to school, to show my Dad, that I'm no fool (thanks, Billy Madison). I still have mixed feelings about the whole thing, but it will be nice to be back in the swing of things. Two of my professors are in my ward and one of Ryan's professors is our bishop. So no slacking off for us!!!

Man, I had so much on my mind earlier and now all I ramble on about it how great life is.
I have other things I could gripe about, but I frankly don't feel like doing that. I'm going to go back to sipping my herbal beverage and going to bed soon. Bed by 9pm? Welcome to married life. I ain't mad about it either.


Mrs. Whitear

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