Saturday, January 12, 2008

The laws of attraction

Hopefully I'll be able to make sense of my thoughts....again on a friend's computer...and i'll be so glad when I have my own!!!! Soon.....very soon.

I often wonder what attracts one person to another. Are we pre-dispositioned to be attracted to a certain type of person, or like many other of our behaviors, do we learn the behavior of attraction to a particular type of individual? Personally, I am attracted to men who are athletic, laid back, a little on the cocky side, and that look good in their well as intelligence, a sense of humor, and the ability to carry on a good conversation. But if everyone was attracted to the same types of persons, although there is the stereo type of "beauty", I fear we would all be at a loss....for there are only so many people in this world who are of a certain type. It fasinates me that at some point in time...everyone finds someone.
My next wondering is what type of men are attracted to what type of women. It's no secret that men are typically attracted to thinner women...regardless of how they actually look...and tend to also fair towards women who are less intelligent than they are in order to feel superior. Maybe this is only a narrow spectrum from my own experience, but most men are intimidated by a woman who can hold their own in a room, do not need them to explain anything...and can accept a good challenge and throw out an insult as easily as they can a compliment.
I am not saying this of all men or women....because some of my closest friends in life have been women who are considered "beautiful" by many men and have no issues with getting their attention. I have often tagged along which is why I have been able to observe the behaviors of these men and women and the games they play with one another.
Men are simple. They want sex and food. They are predisposed to keeping their emotions bottled up, and it takes the possiblity of sex or food to get them to open up. If they are not interested in you, and you can't offer these things....than I can almost guarantee that you will not have their full attention. This I have observed...and this I have decided. Most men simply see women as objects.
I know this might seem like I'm man bashing...and really I'm not. I will probably sound contradictory of my previous paragraphs because I have gained a man's attention without offering food or sex.....but I've also discovered that one is quickly set aside if someone who can offer those things are available.
This is the basic law of attraction. For women, we just want to be loved. Needed. Appreciated. Touched. We are complex creatures who have deep emotional needs. I don't care who you are, if you are a women, you are predisposed to this particular type of behaviors.
It's the meshing of these two oppositions that intrigues me so. To watch a man and women of opposite predispositions collide....what creates that spark? Why can we be blinded by attraction and infatuation? Why can we fall in love even when the other doesn't love us back? Why is love the one thing in this life we can't live without?

Thoughts to ponder....more to come.....

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