Thursday, March 13, 2008

Religion and Homosexuality....

I would like to preface this article by saying that I do not mean to offend....

You probably see them where ever you go. They wait on you at your favorite Italian Trattoria. They are in the musicals you watch, the clubs you dance at and I can guarantee that everyone knows someone like it. They are homosexuals.

Homosexuality is becoming, if it hasn’t already, the most widely acceptable alternative lifestyle in America. As a vocalist, I have known many homosexuals and find the idea of homosexuality and religion intriguing. While I was in college, I challenged myself to be more understanding and acceptable of homosexuality, yet found it increasingly difficult because I knew, and church doctrine supports, that acting on homosexual desires or behaviors is a grotesque sin. Many people would believe that the LDS church “hates gays”. I believe that although many LDS persons have been raised to believe that homosexuality is a sin, most do not “hate” anyone. It is simply against our spiritual lifestyles to “hate” anyone or anything. Over the past few years, I have done my best through prayer and my own investigating to discover for myself the unanswered mysteries of homosexuality. Almost every homosexual I know has said at one time or another that they were “born” as a homosexual and cannot change, therefore what kind of all loving God or Church would punish them for something they were born with?

Many of us are born with a particular genetic code that might enable us to act a certain way or to have tendencies to participate in certain behaviors that our peers might not naturally desire. I was born to be more prone to panic attacks. Then, because of my natural born tendency and the environment in which I have been raised, I have to work twice as hard, if not harder, to make sure that I am fighting against my panic. There are many that are born with a more sensitive nature towards becoming obese or an alcoholic. Therefore, many of us are “born” into several different categories. Homosexuality is just another category. Then, in addition to our predisposition, our environment as a child and adolescent contribute to our predisposed nature and eventually make or break our tendencies to the point where we indulge in our naughty desires. Alcoholism, Obesity and Homosexuality are all sins in the sight of the Lord. Alcoholics, Obese Persons, and Homosexuals have trials to overcome in order to not give into their predisposed natures. One might argue that if we are predisposed then why fight nature. I would argue that all of these lifestyles are dangerous and unhealthy to our minds, bodies and spirits. If you are homosexual, allow me to give you some scenarios of situations that might lead to your homosexuality. Many homosexuals are children who were raised in families where religion could have been forced upon you, or being overly “manly” was something that was emphasized. Also, a large majority of homosexuals have a lacking childhood relationship with their fathers and are exposed to an overbearing mother. This, in addition to your disposition ( or chemical imbalance) is what led you to homosexuality. Many men tell me that it’s the emotional relationship that they cannot have with a woman. This is because they lacked a paternal relationship as a child or adolescent and are transferring that need into their life partners. Many women who have close relationships with their fathers tend to date or marry men who have similar traits than that of their fathers. I could say the same of homosexuals, in particular men. Since they have no paternal love to compare to, they spend the rest of their lives feeling the need to be emotional and physically connected to a man that will love and support them.

With all of this said, who is to say that a homosexual (I’m referring to gay men in particular) are incapable of a satisfying and rewarding relationship with a woman? It will take time….a lot of time. Years could go by and the results could still be lacking. I fear that most often the undaunting task of attempting to be something that you feel is against your nature is so overwhelming that many feel a sense of hopelessness. Fact is fact that God does not agree with homosexuality. I don’t care who you are or what religion you belong to. If your Church’s doctrine allows homosexuality, then clearly Christ is not the head of your church. I know that Christ is in fact that head of my church, and that he loves us enough to have died for us. However, we are to show our appreciation for that act by being obedient to the commandments given to us by our heavenly father...he gave us these commandments as a way for us to be happy! Could you imagine if we all followed the Gospel Laws? What a wonderful, hate free world we would live in!!! Anyways, I hope that my comments have not offended anyone...but if anything, I hope that you have pondered these things for yourself.

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