Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A tragic farewell...

I don't know how to explain our relation...for there really isn't any blood shared, but my mom's very dearest friend in the whole world experienced a tragic loss today of her husband. She found him in the morning cold and then they realized that he had shot himself. He isn't young...he is well into his 70's...but still....I couldn't imagine. I am going to admit that I have dealt with suicidal thoughts in my past when dealing with anxiety, panic attacks and depression...but I just don't know how someone could actually go through with that!!!???
What breaks my heart the most is my dear family and how they are dealing with it all. My dear Aunt Lana...she has been like a second mom to me. Tammy and Tiffany...they are so upset. I was at work when Tiffany told me...and didn't do a very good job of keeping my composure. So yeah....today is a sad day. A tragic day.

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