Saturday, August 9, 2008


Wedding season is in FULL swing and I find myself surrounded by discussions revolving around dresses, dates, shower after shower, up dos, tiaras, and all things girly and romantic.

I am not anti-weddings in the LEAST fact, I considered becoming a wedding planner at one point in time. I love planning parties and events....especially weddings because there is a formula that always seems to fit the occasion. Bride+Groom+Family and friends= Wedding....Flowers+Cake+Good Food+Decor+Great Music+Lots of people+location=Wedding Reception. It's a simple put together.

With this season upon us, I find myself thinking the thought "Well if it was MY wedding, I'd want this..." I have found myself changing a bit on my views when it comes to my wedding. I used to want what most brides want....a big, fancy shindig. Yes, I do want a big party to celebrate....but I am starting to find myself less conventional about how my wedding will go down. Mostly, in part, due to my own circumstances. Myself and my future husband being LDS and my family being non-LDS can complicate things a bit. Of course, the first requirement to any bride is a groom. Until I have one of those, I'll just keep thinking....and try my best to avoid planning my wedding in my head before I even have a fella to wed. I think by the time that day comes, I'll just be grateful to HAVE a wedding of my own!!! haha. But I must admit, the whole idea of marriage is so incredible if it's done right...and if it's done wrong...well then, it's nothing more than an incredible disaster.

Again, the idea of relationships and how they work simply fascinate me. A friend of mine made a valid comment and this is what I believe is the key to any fantastic have to be attracted to each other. Although you will respect the other person while you're dating and wouldn't dare cross that line (again, if you're LDS this is the standard), I think having that passion there is key. That's where the line gets crossed between friends and lovers. That is why I stress the idea of aesthetic equity amongst people you date. You must marry someone that is your equal on most levels. If you're equals, and then understand your gender roles and play those parts, the rest should fall into place. Obviously, common goals and interests will take you far as well. But that first thing...that passion...that has to be there. Now, with that said....passion should definitely not be the ONLY thing there. If your relationship is based solely or mainly on your attraction to one another, I fear the reality of life will one day set in. If you stay married, one must realize that one day, the skin will wrinkle, and we most all become a bit baggier versions of our youthful selves. Granted, once I've reached my goal of becoming fit, I intend to stay that way....but that is a life long quest. No one expects to just simply happens. Finding a partner that accepts you and loves you at your worst....through all stages of life....that is what makes it beautiful in the end. Pure, unconditional love.

So to all you newly wedded couples out there...I wish you well. I wish you happiness. I wish you longevity. I wish you love.

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