Saturday, May 16, 2009

I say you strong man.

So I'm one of those types of people who remember my dreams a lot. I don't remember every detail, but I dream almost everything and remember most of it the next day for a while. I have yet to meet anyone else who dreams as often as I do. I still say my medicine has a link to that because when I didn't take it, I didn't remember my dreams as often as I do now. Nonetheless, it's very interesting. There are a couple of theories on dreams. One theory being that dreams are a reflection of your subconscious personality and desires. I dream often about this old house that I lived in on Campbell Avenue with my parents. My mom is in my dreams a lot, as well as other loved ones that have passed away. Anywho, it's very interesting. My roommate is a psych major so we talk about it a lot and I've started to really think about my personality traits. My weaknesses and strengths.

Although I feel very blessed to have been given a lot of outward talents, my biggest weaknesses are internal. One being my work ethic. My dad is a fantastic example of someone with a diligent work ethic. I believe he knows how to balance work and relaxation time. He does what needs to be done whether he likes it or not. He goes to work everyday and rarely calls in sick. He's dependable and prompt. He's very reliable. I admire that quality about him a lot. I've felt lately the need to work on that quality in myself more. I don't enjoy always having obligations. In fact, when I have a lot of obligations I tend to get very overwhelmed and end up not doing them. I'm not sure why I react that way, but I am a very carefree person. Although, my body responds well to and likes structure, I feel that the very nature of my soul is quite the opposite.

So as I've pondered that, I've realized the need for improvement in that area. We'll see how it goes :) Maybe if I give into my body's nature, my soul's natural tendencies will follow?

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