Friday, May 15, 2009

I're in shock!

It's been wayyyyyyy too long my friends. But I'm back! I keep saying how blogging is therapy but yet, do I do it? Noooooooo. Hmph. Anyways.

I'll be completely honest with you -- after I moved out here (here being Rexburg, Idaho in case you aren't up to speed), I had SO much going on that I really didn't know where to start. Then, I got to the point where I felt I could scarcely do justice to all the things happening that, well, I just stopped.

But after, oh, five months, I think I'm settled enough to start bringing you up to speed. I won't overwhelm you with the last five months of my life...I'll just promise that I'll do a better job of updating you!!!

So today is Friday. THANK GOODNESS. My schedule this semester is intense. It's still not hard per se, but it's busy. I'm taking 14 credits and have several music classes this semester. This is my hardest semester vocally as well, as I have to memorize 8 new songs and have them prepared enough to sing in front of a panel of voice faculty at the end of the semester.

I'm finally working (I didn't have a job at all last semester...and survived on the good grace of God) at a restaurant in Idaho Falls (about 30 minutes away) on the weekends. So, needless to say, I don't get a lot of down time. I dig my job though. I work at a steakhouse and wear a tool belt. I should take some pictures for you!

So today is a beautiful Friday morning and I'm overlooking the gorgeous Rexburg valley. My apartment is on top of the hill across the street from the Rexburg temple and I have a really awesome view. My roommates are phenomenol this semester and I'm learning so much about who I want to be by their amazing examples.

That's not to say that my life has gone off without a hitch. I've had some health problems that have caused severe fatigue but I'm on medications now, which hasn't solved the fatigue completely but it is working to solve the other issues. So I battle with a busy schedule despite the fact that I'm pretty much tired all the time. If I'm not eating the right foods (which for me means almost NO refined sugar and lots of whole foods) then I feel even worse.

But regardless, life -- is -- good. I am so blessed!!! Sorry for being such a bum about writing. Do you ever have those moments where you wonder how you're going to do everything you need to in a day??? I have those all the time.

Oh, and I turned 25 a couple of weeks ago. I don't feel 25...yet again, I'm not sure what 25 is supposed to feel like. But I remember when my sisters were that age and I thought they were so grown up and mature. Ha. Now I'm not so sure!! But time keeps tickin. I've learned and experienced a lot in my 25 years of existence on this planet. Most of all, you've been blessed by my presence! (Okay, okay, I'll calm down)

Wellllll, I have work and other fun things to consume my Friday. Have a glorious day!

♥ Courtney

1 comment:

The Miranda's said...

I'm so glad you finally blogged again! Welcome back!