Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thursday Weigh Ins: Week 1

Drum roll please!!!!

Here are the results after week one:

Weight: 195

Hip: 45 in
Waist: 44 in
Bust: 44 in

Here are last week's numbers:

Weight: 196 lbs

Hips: 46 in
Waist: 45 in
Bust: 45 in

WHOO HOO!! I only lost 1 (maybe scale isn't the most precise...) pounds but my I've lost an inch EVERYWHERE else!!! That is crazy!

I've really fallen in love with the Yoga workout and I do it daily (with Sunday as my literal day of rest). I've done the Boot Camp workout once and I did enjoy it. As long as I'm doing one or the other, it doesn't really matter.

Health and Happiness!


1 comment:

The Miranda's said...

no joke, i'm so proud of you! i finally worked out today since i went out to eat with a bunch of ladies in my ward last night and they are all running the mini, so i'm gonna try and do it with them! freak, peer pressure sucks!