Tuesday, January 8, 2008

A brief update.....

I know it's been a while since I've updated...and right now I'm on my friend Michelle's computer so I don't know how long this will be. Life has been a tad dramatic lately....and to be honest, I'm a little exhausted. Mentally, physically, emotionally....I'm just tired all the time. My panic attacks have subsided, FINALLY, but mainly because I'm taking more medicine, and am seeing a therapist again. I know, I know, I sound totally mental, right? But that's not the case....I just need to finally put my mother's death to rest. And learn how to cope with feelings of inadequecy, loss, and everything else that effects me so much.
The good news is that my weight is going DOWN DOWN DOWN!!! I'm down 25 lbs since October!!!! Can you believe it? I don't think people understand how relieving it is to start to feel like a normal woman again....there is still a LOT of weight to lose, but still....25 lbs is a lot!
One of these days I'll let you inside my head on just how different is it to live life when you're 100+ lbs overweight.
I would be nothing without my friends and family right now. I know that God, and my family and friends are where I lean on for support.

OKay....it's too hard to organize my thoughts when I'm at a friends house! more later.....

1 comment:

nicole said...

Way.To.Go!!!!! Congrats on that, Courtney. Sometimes, the beginning is seriously the hardest, so great job and keep it up! You'll have to come to my zumba class sometime. You and Natalie should come together sometime....she's been wanting to come for a while. :) Glad I found your blog from facebook!