Sunday, February 24, 2008

Apparently Sundays are the best writing days....

Today was another day of reflection. I tend to do that on Sundays....this being the Sabbath and all. I spend a large majority of my day at church, so I spend a lot of my day thinking. Thinking sometimes gets me into trouble, but on Sundays, it seems to do more good than harm.

I woke up today is a very foul mood. I didn't want to get out of bed. I didn't want to make breakfast. I didn't want to do anything. But I got out of bed. I ate breakfast (thanks to Amy's yummy pancakes!) and even popped some bacon in the microwave. I showered, got dressed and went to church. I started to sit through relief society, and then my mind wandered as it often does, and went out in the hall. I think that Satan really works on me in Relief Society. I used to love it, but lately I just haven't really been motivated to sit through it. It's nothing against the teachers, I just don't's totally me.
The good news is that I have been able to sit through Sacrament Meeting...and today, I am so grateful I did. Our topic was Adversity. Before Sacrament Meeting, I got to talk to one of my favorite women....Susie Snapp. Sister Snapp is probably one of the classiest, down to earth women I've ever met. I aspire to be her when I'm her age. She's simply fantastic. I can always count on her to give great pep talks and advice...and for some reason, I feel closer to my mom when I talk to her. Maybe it's the name, maybe it's because she wears fur....I just don't know! :)
So anyways....I love her.
Mallory got up and started speaking...and she said something that I not only needed to hear, I need to remember. We choose to be happy. And Heavenly Father wants us to enjoy our lives. He wants us to laugh and be happy. But happiness is a choice. I need to stop wanting and start appreciating! I'm in a very weird place in life right now....and instead of being bummed out about it, I need to look around and count my blessings! I need to do what I do best...and LAUGH! Enjoy life! It's too short to worry and wonder so much! Mallory's talk was followed by wisdom and encouragement from two of my favorite brothers...the Turner boys. Josh is a fireball with so much potential...and Nathan is a force to be reckoned with. He speaks like a man who will one day be a great leader in the Church...whether it be on a stake level or higher...Nathan is fabulous. His talk moved me and motivated me to just be better. To read my scriptures more often, to pray more often and to be all around a better daughter of God. So Nate-dawg, my dear lovely friend, if you're reading this, thank you for your words and your spirit. You are always my favorite! I've adored you since day one!

So on that note, my goal this better and be happier! Enjoy life and love what you have instead of what you don't! There's normally a reason why you don't have something....whether it be a fault of your own or it's simply not meant to be. Nathan quoted a passage from Luke (i think...) today about when Christ went and prayed for Heavenly Father to remove "this bitter cup from me" but not because it was Christ's will, but only if it be his Father's will. Even Christ, a perfect man who needed not to suffer, took on all of our pains and heartache and transgression so that we might be able to live life eternal. He did it so that I can be with my family forever. He did it so that I could be happy. I wish I thought about that more. It's about commitment to the Gospel. I like that philosophy...committing. It takes true courage to commit.

On that eyelids are heavy and my heart is full.

Good night.

xoxo, Court

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