Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A brief synopsis...

I don't actually know the meaning of "synopsis" but it sounded good...I think it means "summary" or something of the like...

It's Wednesday. My day off. I slept in until after one. Yikes!! I haven't done that in a while. I attempted to work out...but I just wasn't into I'm going to try again later. I've really been slacking on my diet and exercise and I need to make sure that I keep losing weight!! I'm happy to report that I am now in a 16...which is two whole sizes smaller than I was around Oct/Nov. The key is to keep going. My goal size is an 8. So I'm not even half way there!!! But that's okay...because I don't anticipate making that goal until the fall or later of this year. My goal weight is 140....and I'm still pretty far off from that goal. I won't lie...being around yummy italian food all day is HARD! I need to start bringing stuff to work to eat...but then there's yummy food and I put aside my healthy stuff. I need to STOP doing that! I'm fairly active though, considering I spend almost 40 hrs a week walking around the restaurant. Also, playing volleyball on Wednesdays at church...although that isn't the most intense workout or anything. Anyways...that's my tangent on that.

I have found myself really contemplating where to go after my lease expires. I'm thinking of moving out to Salt Lake City...or maybe California..although Cali would be way scarier b/c I don't really know anyone there. I've still thought of moving to New York City. Although I do love my Indiana :) It's always been my home. Maybe I just need to get out more and I won't feel the urge to move! haha. Traveling is so expensive though! Not to mention I have to take off work to do that...which doesn't put any money in my pocket! I've come to the point in my life where the only thing I do know is that I have faith in the Lord to guide me. I need to continue to study the Gospel, to become a learned woman, go back to school to study something...although I'm not sure what...I thought I knew, but again, doubt. Maybe I could study psychology, or art history, or music. Last night I felt a strong prompting to really work on my talent of expand it. I really want to learn how to play piano or guitar...or better yet...both! They are my favorite instruments and for a vocalist like me....I need to learn one of them!!!

So that's just a synopsis of my mind...although I might have lied a little when I said it would be brief.

xoxo, Court

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