Sunday, February 17, 2008

Six years.

I can honestly say I remember six years ago almost like it was yesterday. It was sunny as could be, a little chilly outside, and I was preparing for the most important day of my life. No, I wasn't getting married or having a baby. As of now, those days are still a glimpse into the future and will become equally as important as this day. I was 17 and on the verge of adulthood. And about two weeks prior I had made a very big decision. A life altering decision. A decision that has greatly influenced the person I am today.
Six years ago I remember getting dressed in the white, not so flattering and slightly see through gown (don't worry, I wore a white shirt underneath). I looked across from me as I stepped into the warm, brilliant water and saw a boy, also dressed in white, that had become one of my dearest missionary. I remember Aubri's mom joking about how warm the water was with us. We joked about it being like a hot tub and she said "I don't know if I'd go around saying you were in a hot tub with a missionary!". Then, as my new friends and my dad witnessed, Quinn raised his right hand, I looked at him, he looked back, and with the power of the Holy Melchezidik Priesthood, and the divine authority to act in the name of God, I was fully immersed in the water, and came up a new, clean person. I had no idea what life would bring after this. I was unsure of the trials that lie ahead. I did, however, know that what I had just done was not only something I wanted, but without a doubt in my mind or soul, it was God's will for my life. I was now a member of Christ's church.
Six years later, and a lot of trials, tears, happiness, laughter, moves, boyfriends, best friends, and everything else that life brings, I still know that I am a member of Christ's church.

I want you to know that I do not mean to sound critical or demeaning of anyone else's religion, but as someone who has seen almost every religion this world has to offer, and after asking Heavenly Father himself on my knees with pure faith, I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the true Church of Jesus Christ. The doctrines of salvation are full and complete and cannot be matched by any other religion out there. I know it is true, not because a man told me to believe it, I know it is true because just as in the book of James, Chapter 1...I asked God himself and I received personal revelation. I know that what the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints teaches is the only church with the absolute correct and full doctrine and is not led by man....for a man is not the head of our church, but Jesus Christ himself leads and directs us through the power of his priesthood and the direct revelation that is given to us through the Holy Spirit. I know that we must be baptized by a man who holds the Priesthood of God and then confirmed a member of His Church by the laying on of hands. This priesthood that I speak of was lost after Christ's death but was restored after Christ and Heavenly Father revealed themselves to a boy named Joseph Smith. This priesthood has been passed down from this line ever since. I know that Joseph Smith had a vision of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in a grove of trees as a young boy. I cannot begin to fathom his courage or experiences he must have had once he realized the enormous work and responsibility that had been given to him, even as a fourteen year old boy! I know that if you want or need answers to life's most difficult questions, you can find them for yourself through studying the full gospel of Christ.
Members of my faith are constantly under fire for our beliefs, yet I fear that is because if the world were actually to open their eyes and listen and ask for themselves, they might have to sacrifice the worldly pleasures in life in order to do what they know is right. Not just what they think is right. It is made more sure to me everyday that most people are completely unaware of even a small idea of what our Church teaches or what we, as members of this Church, actually believe and practice. I testify to you that Jesus Christ and our Father in Heaven are very real. I have a very personal relationship with them both. I am grateful for my knowledge because without it, one truly does not understand the purpose of our mortal lives. We were given our bodies as a gift and opportunity. I encourage you all to seek the answers to your most burning questions about this life.
If I had to do it all over again six years ago, I would never, ever, do it differently. For I stand as a witness and a daughter of God. I am not perfect, for I am a human, and I would never claim to be perfect. But I try and will continue to try to stand for all things good, virtuous, uplifting, loving, and lovely. I will always stand as a witness of Him in all things and in all places to the best of my ability. I love my Redeemer and I love my God.

I say these things in his name, even Jesus Christ.


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