Monday, February 4, 2008

It's here!!!

My dear friends you are going to be so excited to know that I now own my own computer....a nice little fancy notebook computer that a very nice friend sold to me for a super bargain. It's SO nice to have my own computer again...and a laptop at that so I can take it with me anywhere! How exciting! haha. This means that you will be getting much more frequent updating from yours truly and I know you are excited about that!

My job is working me to my death but it's going pretty well and I like it thus far. I am anxious to get school started and hopefully get my schedule settled down a bit. I have pretty much no social life now that I work alllll weekend long but right now, I don't really mind because I make really good money on the weekends. When the summer hits....that might be a different story :) But who knows. I am really looking forward to warmer, sunnier weather, leaves on the trees and the smell of summer air. I am on break right now in between my shifts at work....I go back in a couple of hours. So I am going to take a little cat nap and then head back to work.

Until we meet again....


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