Sunday, April 6, 2008

General Conference Review

As general conference has once again ended, I am uplifted, inspired and awed. There were a LOT of great messages given during this conference but there were a few experiences that really touched me. One, obviously, was the sustaining of our new Prophet, President Thomas S. Monson, 16th President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. His wit, knowledge and spirit have always touched my heart and made me laugh and strive to do better and now, with assurity, I testify that he is called of God to preside over and lead this, the Church of Jesus Christ. He has been called to be a Prophet of God. I know this to be true because as I have listened and witness this process of the mantle being passed on, I have recieved a witness from the Spirit that this is the great work of our Father in Heaven and that Thomas S. Monson is indeed the Prophet chosen to lead and direct the affairs of the Lord's Kindgom here on earth. Yesterday as I witnessed each memeber be given the opportunity to stand, where ever they were in the world (even as I stood in my living room sitting at the laptop), to raise their right hand towards heaven in a sustaining vote, I felt the love of the Church here in my little apartment in Indianapolis. I love this Gospel.

Although I enjoyed all of the talks, there was one talk that touched me to my very core because I felt connected to her Spirit. In many ways, although I do not know her personally, as I grow older and hopefully have a family of my own, I strive to be like her. Sister Susan W. Tanner was released yesterday as the Young Women General President. Her talk was on what she "delights in". I find myself using the same phrase lately...that I "delight in" certain things. I add my list....although I will make it brief. Namely, I delight in the Gospel of the Jesus Christ. I delight in the restored Gospel. I delight in families and eternal life. I delight in my Savior and the gift of the atonement. I delight in miracles. I delight in continued revelation given from the Lord. I delight in the Good Word of God. And although I might struggle to say this, I delight in the trials and tribulations I have been given because they consistantly challenge me to work harder, be smarter, more righteous and more faithful. I delight in progression.

Over the years, I have grown to know and love Jesus Christ and his Gospel. I have come to know my Father in Heaven and hope that I continue to progress towards my eventual eternal life in His kingdom where I can dwell with Him again. I wish I could shout it from the rooftops and tell everyone I know that the Gospel is restored to it's fullness! There is more to this life than all the vain things of this world! GOD LIVES! He knows you and loves you! He wants you to be happy and have peace and knowledge. It is only through HIS restored Gospel that we can have ALL the knowledge that our Father in Heaven has and it is only through the restored Gospel can we have the keys and the opportunity to return to our Father in Heaven. ALL are saved and ressurected...but only the valient, chosen ones who dedicate their lives to the service of Jesus Christ and our Father in Heaven, through the restored Gospel, will obtain exaltation in the highest glory of Heaven that can be obtained. I know this to be true. I do not know this because someone told me to believe it. I know it because I have asked God myself. I have received a witness of it's truth. We can all receive this witness if we ask sincerely, with open eyes, ears and hearts.

I am grateful and optimistic for the future. I cannot believe that somehow, I managed to find this magnificent gift of the Lord's true and LIVING church on this earth. I am a part of it. We can all be a part of it. We can all know God if we desire to do so. I live my life the way I do because I choose to follow him...because through my life, I have not always done so...and I testify that by following him we can become happier, stronger, healthier, better human beings. We will be given the desires of our hearts...but when we are truly converted to the Gospel, our desires will adjust themselves to reflect the will of our Father in Heaven.

I delight in General Conference.

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