Sunday, April 13, 2008

Ranting in my singledom.

Men are shallow pigs and liars.

That's how I feel at this very moment. I'm sure I won't always feel this way, but it seems that there are no normal, decent guys out there. I really am not even the one who is being burned, I just see it all around me. Men who fall all over a girl just because they're hot. Men who date someone and talk to another girl behind their back (and I aint talkin about the "just talking" kind of talkin). Men who lie to you just to make you feel better but don't have the actions to back it up. Men who think with their penises instead of their brains. Why do we invest so much time in trying to be in relationships? Why do we always try to have companionship from the opposite sex? Right now I'm ranting, so I sound like a bitter, cynical woman...but seriously, what's the point!?

I enjoy being single to be honest. Yes, I would LOVE to be a wife and a's my dream. But I don't want to be the wife of an a-hole or a man who can't teach our children how to be good, decent, loving people. I've noticed as I'm getting older that my circle of friends becomes smaller and smaller, and I think it's because after a while, you just get tired of all the drama and crap that comes with trying to be "friends" with people who don't really fit you. I guess, too, I have been hurt so many times that I more and more keep people at an arm's length to avoid being hurt. Unfortunately, I am predisposed to be compassionate so I end up getting hurt and being used more often that I would like. Today I just got fed up with it. I'm sure in like 2 days everything will be back to normal and I'll go back to being a doormat but in the meantime, I'm taking a stand!!! HA!

So anyways...I'm exhausted and I'm going to bed.

I promise I'm not in a bad mood...I just needed to put that out there for the world to see.


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