Friday, September 26, 2008

Aw look! Re-design!

So I must say that I'm pretty dag-on proud of myself for figuring out how to change my blog template and background all by myself! I am pretty content with the new look. I would rather it be pink, or blue, or something other than gray, but I need to look up some color codes before I go messing around with it anymore. But seriously, what do you think!?

So the last couple of days have been pretty great. This week in general has been all in all fantastic. I have had some "come to Jesus" journal entries with myself (let's be real...I do this often) and am putting a new spin on some of my old ways.

Here's what I've discovered (something that you probably figured out a long time ago by reading my blog and that I've only recently realized because of my denial):

I've turned into a bitter, cynical woman. (Okay, that sounds a bit over the top, but no, really...I have)

I've become a bit obsessed with trying to do something the way others want them done. (Never a healthy thing)

I thought that in order for someone to love you, you had to become them. (This was probably the most interesting discovery thus far...and a recent, late night one at that)

So.....pretty interesting list, I'd say. Especially that last one. I just came up with that last night...I was ranting and raving (yes, despite my ramblings on this blog, I actually keep an actual journal...okay, actually, I have TWO more journals in addition to my blog. Don't judge me people. I've got a lot to say) about my most recent phone conversation with "le friend" (code name people...just follow along) and trying to once again analyze every detail of my post conversation emotions when WHA-BAM....the whole concept was right there in black and white before my eyes. I had starting pondering the fact that I was taking on certain qualities of "le friend" but then after I got off the phone last night, I pretty much yelled on my computer. (It was 1:30am..and I was my defense)

I decided last night that I've pretty much had enough of feeling like elephant dung and needed to wake up and put on my excited about life clothes and get on with it. I mean, really, what is there to be mad about?! Okay, so I've had some pretty shisety (no it's not a real world, and no, I'm positive it's misspelled) things happen to me but haven't we all really? Does anyone have perfect and great things happen to them all the time?

It all comes with great timing as this weekend is official "black cloud over Courtney's head" weekend. Sunday will be the 11th anniversary of my mother's death. It's not exactly my favorite topic of discussion. More on that at another time....

Interestingly enough, Le friend and I have some interesting little "in commons". And the topper is the fact that our mom AND dad have the same names. I don't think it has any random significance or anything, but nonetheless, Le friend and I have a lot of in commons...and this one is probably my most favorite.

So tonight I'm going to glory in the beautiful sunset amongst fellow Mormon friends and possibly even put on a bathing suit. I might even take off the clothes over the bathing suit insomuch as to actually get IN the pool. I assure you though....I'm not getting my hair wet. Meh, I guess that means I should probably shave my legs, huh?

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