Thursday, September 11, 2008

The wisdom of my very best friend.

"As frequently quoted as this scripture is, we tend to forget it: "Adam fell that men might be, and men are that they might have joy." (2 Nephi 2:25) Now, I'm a firm believer that the word joy in that scripture denotes many things, one of them being the gospel of Jesus Christ - the "good news" of our Savior. I also believe that men ARE, meaning we are here on this Earth as a result of our own choice, to experience joy, happiness, love, and all that is in that. But it's our choice, just like it was our choice to come to Earth, just like it's our choice to wake up each morning. It's in our power."

Kiera is wise. She is my best friend. I love her because no matter how far, now matter how long we go without talking or seeing each other....she's right there. She still knows just what to say to help me in my time of need...even if it's not directly to me.

I'm so blessed to have a friend like her in my life.

I'm blessed in a lot of ways. And I think I might actually start to realize it. Heavenly Father might have allowed me to live my life without a mother, but he has never let me walk alone. Why did it take me so long to understand that?

1 comment:

Hyrum and Kiera said...

YAY! I think I'm going to quote you quoting me. And publish it in my "I love me" book - which is a black binder. Really classy. I love you!!