Monday, November 17, 2008

MC Hammer said it best.

Okay, okay, so turkey lurkey is an acquired taste, I see. You'll love it someday, I promise.

I've been fighting a dag-um cold for a week and half now and I really miss sounding like a normal human being. I constantly sniff, and then cough, and then sniff more. Not to mention, it affects my singing and THAT is uber annoying.

Yesterday was a rather remarkable day. Church wasn't different or extraordinary -- but I came to an important realization the other day -- and it has made all the difference. Pray. Every day. At LEAST in the morning and at night...if not more. God has given us ALL of this, and he has told us to "pray always". So why can't I take a few minutes of my morning and evening and talk to my all-knowing, magnificent God?! I mean, I have the smartest man in the UNIVERSE at my disposal, so why not chat it up? I don't know what it is about prayer that can make it so hard sometimes, but really, it's such an incredible gift. Probably the greatest gift next to the atoning sacrifice of our Savior Jesus Christ.

I have been stressed about my finances a LOT lately. This is somewhat normal for me, but with the big move coming up, it's not just about paying the bills, it's about being able to GET to Idaho (luckily gas prices have gone down substantially in the past month, but who's to say they won't go back up!). So yesterday, I took the opportunity to fast. I'll be honest, I was fasting that money would fall into my lap somehow. That wasn't the exact verbiage I used in my prayers, but nonetheless, that the was jist of it. Money didn't fall in my lap -- it was put in my hand by my one of my favorite women in the world (she told me I wasn't allowed to tell anyone that she gave it to me, because if I did, she would deny for her sake, she will remain anonymous as my guardian angel). I didn't tell her that I had been fasting. And never have I fasted in such a way that yielded such immediate results. One thing I know is that Heavenly Father DOES bless us and give us what we need. It's been tight, really really tight, but I have managed to get by. And now I have three jobs to pull from...which will help even more.

So that's that. I have learned that one of the key elements in fasting and prayer is humility. We must not get greedy in our prayers and in our fasting. We must be humble always, understanding that we are already blessed immensely.

Also, I wanted to give a shout out to my latino friends. I was able to attend the Spanish Branch yesterday, as well as participate in the re-dedication of the Mexico City Temple last night. It was Spanish overload. I. LOVED. IT. I will be fluent in Spanish someday. It's on the life list of things to do, along with learning how to ride a horse, have an organic vegetable garden, and sleep on the beach.

Moral of the story -- there are a LOT of times in our lives that we could say "Ugh, life is LAME". But nope. We can't. We shouldn't. We are so blessed. I might not have money burning a whole in my pocket, but I have a roof over my head, food to eat, and a God that will take care of me.

Yep. It's true.

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