Wednesday, November 12, 2008


So the holiday season is finally upon us....I think??

It doesn't feel very festive yet, but then again I haven't been gallivanting around town to notice. The zoo has up their Christmas lights (as do my next door neighbors -- seriously people), downtown Indy is laden with lights as well. So maybe it finally HAS come upon us.

This year is the first year that I haven't participated in a choir of some sorts. I was the reigning director of my church choir until I was released (FINALLY) earlier in the year. I loved it, but after a while, I didn't love it so much (It's hard to drag your friends to practice, regardless of how much they love you..). BUT I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Christmas music. Okay, I love music in general, but Christmas music is the BEST! It can put me in the festive spirit faster than you can say Jesus. (I'm sure it's also related to the fact that I actually know the words to most Christmas songs...where as my lyrical knowledge is somewhat lacking a bit in the rest of the song world.)

Christmas time rolled around my freshman year at IU where I was a member of the Singing Hoosiers and we break out the Christmas music....the music starts...I get out my music....and the words "Turkey Lurkey Time" are at the top. The title made me hungry. And confused. I thought we were singing Christmas music? No? Do we sing Thanksgiving music too? Why is everyone so excited about this song? Then we began to sing....

Let me tell you -- it's my FAVORITE song EVER. I can't explain to you why but it just is. It's from a Broadway musical called "Promises, Promises" and it is fabulous. I found the original on YouTube and thought I would share it with you. The quality isn't as fabulous as the song, but you'll get the drift.

Here's the spreading the holiday cheer!

I know what you're thinking. And man, that dancing -- you just don't see dancing like that anymore (which I think could be a GOOD thing). That front girl can MOVE, no? Seriously, I mean, every office party I've ever been to is exactly like this one.

And scene.

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