Saturday, February 21, 2009


It's time for another update!!! Get excited about it people. (Or the random 3.642 people who actually read this when I have time to update it...)

First of all, for your viewing pleasure....although I'm sorry that they aren't very good pictures. I only have my camera phone at the moment because I left my camera back home in Indiana. My dad is shipping it out sometime soon. When that happens, watch out. :)

Isn't it lovely?! This is me and my "date" for ward date night. Seriously one of the funniest nights at a church activity ever!!! We had to pick a tie and the boy who's tie it belonged to was our date for the evening. We had all these challenges we had to do together. Dan is hilarious. He has a girlfriend, and I'm not really interested in dating him, but man, he sure is fun to be around. Let's put it this way, his tie was a purple, paisley CLIP ON tie. Of course, you know I picked the clip on tie. Although I did fear that perhaps my date was someone so short that regular ties weren't an option, but I lucked out. When he first came over and sat next to me, he put his arm around me and held my hand. It was tender. Not to mention, he duck taped our wrists together for half of the night. The picture is actually from a challenge where we had to wear a diaper on our heads as a blindfold and spoon feed one another a pudding cup. We rocked it out all night and ended up winning the WHOLE thing! Would you expect anything different? Dan actually was on the Price is Right not too long you can see just how much fun I had...check this out.

I forgot to mention earlier....he won! SWEEET.

So yeah...that was that.

So things are going along just like life should. I'm, of course, poor. When am I not? Actually though, I'm jobless at the moment and it's not all. So if you could think to pray about that one for me...I'd sure appreciate it!

Okay, on to a different (yet slightly related) topic.

One of the amazing (and I do mean ah-maz-ing) aspects of being at this university is how much you can grow spiritually. Every day you talk about the Gospel, or the Scriptures. You pray at the beginning of every class. You sing a hymn at the beginning of every class. You can really feel the spirit here. It is truly incredible. I have really found that factor to be a source of great strength for me here. One thing I've felt really strongly about lately though is the need to be prepared. It is the boy scout motto, after all. But unfortunately, I wasn't a boy scout. Something about having to be a boy that prevented me from joining......I don't know...stupid rule. Anywho, preparedness is really becoming a more consistent word in my vocabulary. I'm learning that one of my weaknesses is the fact that I rarely "prepare" for things in the manner I should. I'm a little too fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants with things sometimes. This has caused me a lot of added, unnecessary stress in my life. This can start with things like our finances and having food storage and trickle down into aspects like preparing for an audition or being prepared for class or work. So I am making a much more concentrated effort on being prepared. I keep reading more on the world financial crisis and not only is it depressing, what people fail to realize is that it is prophecy. The leaders of the Church has stated over and over again the importance of having food storage and savings. I'm no one to preach, but I am going working on a serious financial makeover in my life to ensure that I am implementing a stronger sense of preparedness in my life. The world's economy is getting weaker and weaker. This will continue to get worse for quite some time before it gets better...if it actually even gets better.

But more upbeat things to talk about (because I'll be honest, I normally avoid the news and newspapers because they depress me a bit)....

Allow me to share one of the funniest things I've ever heard. If this doesn't make you laugh out loud, you simply have no sense of humor whatsoever.

MWAH. Until next time!

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