Monday, May 18, 2009


Reader beware: I might discuss in small and non-graphic doses the annoyances of being a girl. Don't say I didn't warn you.

How was your weekend? Mine? Adequate. I'm getting used to some new additions to my spiritual life and adjusting quite well if I say so myself. It was sunny and warmer this weekend, which was a nice change of pace. Oh, and it wasn't INSANELY windy either. That was VERY nice (my hair says thank you!).

One thing I'm not loving is being a girl. I've always had somewhat of "female problems" it seems and therefore, I used to take birth control. Well, I didn't take it for a long time, but I started having issues again, so now I'm back on it. However, for the last two days I have wanted to die....or sleep a lot. Just do something that involves me being incoherent to pain and annoyances that come along with "that time". Once again, my body is still not behaving normally. And men have NO idea what we go through. Sure, you get kicked in the balls and it hurts -- and that is a pain that I will never experience or be able to relate too -- but I assure you it does not compare to what women go through for days at a time. You really should worship the ground we walk on, guys. Just sayin....

So ibuprofen and heating pads have been my bff's for the last two days. And buttered whole wheat toast. I've been slightly obsessed with that as well.

This is what happens when I don't have any kids or husbands to talk about. Hehe :)

So today starts off another crrrrraaazzzzyyyy busy week. I really wish I had enough time in the day to do everything I need to. Luckily, we have Monday AND Tuesday off next week for Memorial Day and I'm taking a little mini-vaca down the road to Utah to hang with Joseph. We're going to Salt Lake and I'm so pumped (I've never been there, and it IS the mormon mecca afterall). AND I've been promised a dinner at Cheesecake Factory. YUMMMMMM. Applebee's is the only nice, sit down restuarant in Rexburg. Yes, I work at a Steakhouse, but that gets old after a while too. I'm very much looking forward to that. Pictures are promised. :)

The weather is gorgeous today and is supposed to stay like this all week! YAY!

Okay, lunch and homework becons me. UGH.


The Miranda's said...

You will love temple square! I'm excited to hear all about your trip and I'm sorry you are feeling so bad...hang in's just preparing you for the future! : )

Kiera Durfee said...

The word is "beckons". I love you.

Unknown said...

Thanks...I debated that as I did not think it was correct but was too lazy to spell check. :)