Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 -- A new decade!

Ten years ago, my life revolved around choir, music, boys and learning. Now? Ten years later? Would you believe me if I told you it's still about the same? I guess anytime we're single, in school, and still pursuing the same things in life, consistency will exist.

What a decade is has been. What a YEAR 2009 was and I only hope 2010 will bring laughter, love and hope.

Let's recap some exciting things in the last decade:

2002 - Joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
2002 - Graduated Ben Davis High School
2003 - Studied at Indiana University as a vocal performance major
2004 - Got my own place and a DOG! :)
2004 - Auditioned for American Idol
2005 - Got my first promotion
2006 - Managed my first property
2008 - Was accepted to Brigham Young University - Idaho

For some reason, I can't think of anything major in 2007. Maybe that was an off year? haha

2009 has been a great year for me. So many things have happened -- good and bad. I started off the year at BYUI in Rexburg, Idaho. Who would have ever thought I'd be attending a Mormon University in Idaho? It was the first time away from Indiana and friends and family I have had all of my life. It had ups and downs, but I finished out the year with a 3.3 GPA and some of the most amazing friends a girl could ask for.

I also turned 25 in 2009. What an age. Twenty-five is that age where you decide who you're really going to be and become more comfortable in your own skin, I think. At least that is how it has been for me. I have learned to accept my flaws (while still working on them, of course) and loving myself more each day. I'm officially on the downward slope to 30. EW. I'll be 15 in my heart forever if I have anything to do with it.

2009 also brought some challenges with failed relationships and some bitter tastes in my mouth but I have learned and progressed past them. I am stronger and more aware now.

Two very important spiritual milestones happened in 2009 as well. I received my temple endowments, and then was able to perform, by proxy, the temple endowment for my mother as well. I cannot begin to describe the peace that came over me from this experience. I know that families are eternal. That's all I can say.

The last half of my year was spent in Logan, Utah. Logan has proved to be a place where I have learned a lot about myself...and also a place where patience has become my friend and no longer an enemy. I feel that one of my greatest accomplishments this year was beginning to develop a greater sense of patience with life. I have learned to take each day as it comes. I've stopped planning my life years in advance. I've started looking a little bit inward to ensure that I am able to take care of myself first, so that I can better care for others when they are in need. I have stepped back and allowed myself to feel lonliness and sorrow in a way that has helped me grow. I have learned that you can only worry about what you have control over. The rest, or whatever is out of your control, is up to God....and your faith in Him should make up for any worries you might have about what is out of your control.

And over the past week, upon my return home to Indiana, I learned that my family is and always be the most important part of my life. Friends come and go, but family stands the test of time. They take you in whatever part of life you're in. Going home made me remember who I am and where I came from...which although I learned a lot about myself being away from home, it was going home where I was able to feel complete in the learning process. I saw the people who I loved the most, and who loved me. I had such a wonderful time. I have such a fantastic support group and I am so grateful for that.

It goes without saying that I have some goals for 2010. One major goal is to finish and hit my goal weight. Over the last 2 years I have slowly lost about 50 lbs. Well now, it's time to shed the rest. I return to Rexburg tomorrow and my goal for school is to simply do my best. I, unfortuantely, have always been someone who "got by" in school because I never really put forth 100% of what I could. So this year, I want to do my best and see if I can acheive greater results because of it. If I can get all A's and B's with minimal effort....why can't I get straight A's with a little more effort? Other goals include maintaining a savings account and being more financially prepared for emergencies. I also would like to put a large dent in my geneology and temple work.
I would like to visit Yellowstone National Park, and I would like to teach my own fitness class. I would also like to sing the National Anthem at a professional sporting event this year. Anybody know how I could do that for the Colts!? haha.

So, here is to a new year. A new decade. I'll be in my mid-thirties the next time a new decade rolls around. In ten years, I hope to have my education completed, have a house to call my own somewhere, be healthy and living the life God wants me to live.

Happy New Year!


The Miranda's said...

I'm so glad your trip home went well and that you were able to spend time with your family. I'm love the goals you made for the coming year and decade. And even though you weren't able to see me over this break, I hope you know I'm here for you whenever you need to talk. love you!

and ps...i'm gonna be a friend that stays around!

The Reynolds said...

It's been an incredible decade. Can you believe how fast 10 years goes by? I'll be 40 in 10 years. Yikes!! Your goals are inspiring and I hope you accomplish them all. I enjoy reading your blog and hope you don't mind that I do. Good luck in school and let me know when/where you're singing the anthem so I can cheer for you.