Sunday, February 17, 2008

Lovely Sabbath Day.

It's been an interesting day. An emotional day. A day of reflection. A day of rest. A good day.

Church was good. I am sad that I was dumb and skipped Relief Society yet again. I want to be there. I need to be there. Sunday School was great and I'm so glad I went. We do have a responsibility to be an example to those around us and to be teachers and doers of the Word. Sacrament meeting was also great. It was a time for me to really think about who I am and who I want to be. I was watching these two adorable boys today in the hallway and I realized that I so look forward to being a mom someday. I cannot wait to have a family of my own. I know that I need to prepare for it....even though the prospect of a boyfriend is not even remotely there...I know that if I remain righteous, I will have the opportunity to be a wife and a mother. Can you imagine me as a wife? Better yet, a mother? I feel weird saying this.....but I could be ready to be either of those things right now.

Tonight was probably the best part. Talking to Kiera. Oh how I miss my best friend so much. When I say she's my best friend....I don't mean that we hang out all the time and laugh at the same crazy things. We were destined to be friends and no matter how far, we will always have an unspeakable bond. She's amazing and I love her more than I will love anyone else besides my family and my husband. She says things and they feel familiar to me. She goes through life and I feel that I have a purpose...she knows how to give and take. She understands things and knows the right things even if she sometimes does the wrong. She is me...only not. hah. And I am a better person for having her in my life. And I know she feels the same way about me too. That's the best part.

I am so lucky. So lucky and blessed and am recommitting myself to doing the things I know are right. I haven't been "bad" per se, but I've been slacking on the details lately. Reading, praying, pondering, studying, and focusing.

Remember to be grateful...and my advice for today. Utilize the Sabbath...and talk to your best friend as much as you can. :)


Hyrum and Kiera said...


Quinn, Alexis, Jayden, and Owen Brown said...

Court! Thanks for your testimony I can remember 6 years like it was yesterday also! You have come a long ways and you have a long ways to go! Hope all is well and I will talk to ya soon!

Unknown said...

Hey, no joke, let's take a road trip together and go see Kiera. I need her, and I assume you do too. When can we leave?