Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Waste of Day Wednesday.

So Wednesdays are pretty much my only days off (except for Sundays) since I've started this new job. I always tell myself that Wednesdays will be the day to clean the apartment and do the 5.35 loads of laundry that are piled up in my closet. So I woke up at noon.....and played on the computer until 1:30 or so......then showered and went to meet with this guy about a possible job...more on that in a minute.....and now I'm back at home and realized that I hadn't eaten yet today and was a little hungry so I fixed a cheese burrito and had some tortilla chips. It's a very nutritious meal if you're on a constipation and carbohydrates diet. Now I'm sitting here on my computer once again...which apparently I'm addicted to....and cannot seem to motivate myself to do anything. I kind of want to take a nap. This is probably the most frustrating aspect of my job...I work these crazy hours and I am exhausted all of the time. Literally ALL of the time. I could barely stay awake at church on Sunday because I was recovering from a 12 hour shift. And I've yet to motivate myself to do anything other than sit here...because in order to clean, I have to pick up all of Amy and Alise's messes (and I just don't feel like doing that) and in order to do laundry, I have to go down to Mike's Carwash to trade in cash for quarters. That would involve me getting changed, getting back into my car, driving down the street in five o'clock traffic and then driving all the way back....and I won't even have enough time to do a load before church starts. So I guess we've established that I'm not going to be doing laundry right now. I should really eat something more than cheese and flour but since our kitchen is a mess (and mind you not MY mess), I don't really want to cook anything. So basically I'm sitting on the couch on my lazy arse and not doing anything. A nap is sounding better and better.

I sometimes wonder, well actually I often wonder, if anyone other than Kiera and Quinn read my blog. Ah, oh well, even if they are the only ones...I enjoy writing it.

So I was playing on the computer today and came across a job posting as a personal assistant for the owner of Indy Stage and Sound. It's a sound equipment company on the southwest side of Indy. Small company but does pretty good business. I met with the owner, Dave and chatted with him. All in all if I wanted a new job, I could have one. The downside is this....$10/hr. For most people my age they would jump at a $10/hr job. For me though....not so much. $10/hr wouldn't make a dent in my monthly expenses which is sad. I think it could be fun...but after I keep thinking about it....I just don't know if I feel good about it. I feel good about going back to school. So I'm beginning to think more and more that Satan is using this as a temptation to keep me from doing what I need to do....and I need to continue on getting an education. I think I'm going to postpone Culinary School and go back to IUPUI and start on my bachelor's first. That's going to be the longest endeavor and I am ready to get started with it already. I could go part time and continue working. However, I do know that I need to figure out a better schedule for work in order to make the most money without working these insane hours.

We shall see. Have I mentioned that I love my new laptop? Oh, I do. I really, really do.


xoxo, Court

1 comment:

Hyrum and Kiera said...

I'm so happy you have a laptop now! I have really old gum in my mouth. Neeeeaaaaasty.