Saturday, April 19, 2008

Al templo

That's supposed to be my version of Spanish for "At the Temple"....but my Spanish is a bit lacking lately.

Yesterday was MAGNIFICENTLY beautiful (until it rained last night...and my sunroof was not cool) and I loved it! One interested sidenote is that we had an earthquake the night before. I barely woke up because I felt like someone was shaking me...only to find out the next morning an earthquake woke me up! Um, RANDOM! I wish I would've woken all the way up though...I wanted to see what an earthquake was like! Oh well, better luck next time. HA!

So I took a half day at work, as normal, and instead of going to the doctor, I went to the temple to do baptisms. On the way down we got stuck in a mess of standstill traffic (I found out there was a grass fire??? Only in Indiana folks...) so we took a detour through some of the most goreous Indiana countryside. For all you westerners, yes you have mountains, but do you have GREEN? I LOVE the spring when everything is started to bud...when you drive by these huge pastures and there is purple flowers popping through the green grass. The detour was a very long and very windy road but it was breathtaking. I wanted to stick my head out the window and soak it all in, but I don't like to eat bugs, so I vetoed that option and stuck to looking out the window through from inside the car.

We finally arrived at the temple (an hour late) and caught the last 30 minutes or so of the session we were trying to participate in. There was another session after us that we were able to participate in as well. It was strange doing temple work with people I've never met before, but somehow it was all fine because we were all there for the same do the Lord's work. To baptize those who did not have an opportunity in this life so that they may have the same opportunities for exaltation that we have in this life. It is such an important work. So, as we were waiting on the next group, they started trickling was later in the evening so I wasn't expecting to see youth there, but they came filing in, one after another. A little boy named Sterling (I LOVE THAT NAME!) gave the opening prayer. As soon as he started to utter his first words, I started to get all teary eyed! What is my problem!? Seriously, I cry at the drop of a hat and it's ridiculous! Just the thought of this little boy praying to God so lovingly, so eloquently, and so meaningfully (is that a word? eh, oh well) reminded me to be like a child unto Heavenly Father. It was a beautiful prayer. I love the Temple.

I'm getting closer and closer to the 24 mark and boy have I been doing a lot of reflection on my life and myself. Every morning is another opportunity to be better, another opportunity to enjoy life. There is so much to enjoy...friends, family, work, church..
So today is a busy day, my neice is turning five on the 23rd and today is her birthday party at my sister's house. I am excited to see my family, although bummed my dad won't be there (he is working the Grand Prix at Purdue this weekend....good luck with all the drunkenness dad! Go get em!). I am SUPER excited to see my sister, Jaime and my newest neice, Charleigh. She is like four months old now!!! Crazy!!! Tonight my dear friend Vic is taking me out, along with 3 other "couples" to dinner at my favorite Japanese Steakhouse for dinner and then going to watch a movie to celebrate my birthday a week or so early. That's okay, let's just celebrate all week!!! I'm totally game!

Let the celebrating begin! Ole! haha!

1 comment:

Alyssa & Bruce said...

You're good about updating your blog. I need to take lessons. I tagged you!!