Sunday, April 20, 2008


How To Play This Game of Tag....Post these rules on your blog.
Answer these 15 questions about yourself on your blog.
List:3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random/surprising facts
Tag five people at the end of your post by leaving their names .Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

3 joys:

1. The Gospel of seriously, it is the biggest joy in my life. I couldn't live without it.

2. A clean house....when my house is clean, I feel happier and better about life in general. You think that would motivate me to keep it clean all time no?

3. Cooking gourmet meals...I love to cut vegetables and create fun inventive dishes. I joy in making something ordinary and turning it into something healthy and different...and most importantly, delicious!

3 fears:

1. Never overcoming my panic disorder....I've dealt with it for 13 years....and i'm ready to be done!

2. Heights

3. Not living up to my own potential...I'm too hard on myself but I think my expectations are attainable.

3 goals:

1. To obtain a degree in Business Management

2. To fit into a size 8 by my 26th birthday.

3. To pay off all my debt.

3 obsessions/current collections:

1. Black eyeliner.

2. Organic food.

3. Water

3 random or suprising facts:

1. I'm left handed

2. I was gothic in 6th grade.

3. One of my favorite snack is pears with peanut butter.

1 comment:

Alyssa & Bruce said...

pears with peanut butter...i'll have to try that one!