Saturday, June 28, 2008


Seriously, I feel like I yawn a thousand times a day! It's annoying and worrying me a bit. Not to mention, in addition to the yawning, I have been excessively tired. So I called a nurse a Wishard Health Connection and we talked for a while. The good news is my diet and exercise are in check (for once in my life!) but something is causing this ridiculous amount of tiredness and yawning (which is my bodying telling me it's not getting enough oxygen). So she "prescribed" one hour of extra sleep per night and a multivitamin. Yeah, I know...I am a total health nut but have neglected my vitamins...way to go, Court! I haven't noticed a substantial difference yet, but it's only been three days. I really am the most impatient person in the world. So...I'll keep you posted on that.

Other than feeling completely lethargic, things are GREAT! I am really really really excited for what's to come in Idaho. I can't even explain it to you. I feel like I'm on the cusp of finally getting my life back after 5 years of just maintaining it. I hope I'm not getting my expectations up too much, but then again, if I go out there with the attitude that I'm taking my life back, I don't think I'll be disappointed. I sent an email to the music department head about how to audition for their voice program. It's as simple as this...I have wanted to either be a singer or a teacher since I was like 5....and honestly, I have never really strayed from those desires. I still want to be a singer or a teacher. So majoring in music is the most logical. It's what I love....and if you do what you love, the money will follow. Singing is my pure gift and it would be a shame for me to waste my talent by not allowing it to grow. My income is too high for me to qualify for any pell grants this year...which sucks...but I have applied for one scholarship so far and will also apply for a talent scholarship.

I have been spending a lot of time by myself lately....I don't know if it's a good thing or bad thing, but I think it's been needed. Time for me to reflect and rest. My apartment looks SO different now that Amy has moved out. It's not bare, but it's definitely not cluttered! It's clean too :) It's just easier to keep things clean when you only clean up after yourself. But I do miss Amy. She's driving to Utah right now actually.

I have been reading in 1 Peter the past couple of days and I can I just say that I really enjoy that book! How do people not read that and feel the motivation to stay on track, more importantly, how do they not pay attention to things like teaching the Gospel to the dead, or the warnings that are given?! I really enjoyed chapter 4. I only have like 3 or 4 more books to go to have the entire new testament FINISHED! I can't believe it! I don't really enjoy reading (it makes me sleepy) so the fact that I have already read the Book of Mormon and now I'm finishing off the New Testament is CRAZY. I love the scriptures though. I always feel power and strength when I'm reading them....even when I'm exhausted and doing it only because I know I should.

Things with my friend are going well. I've talked about this friend in previous entries....and although I had one slip up and told him that I had feelings for him, I have remembered the promptings I received from the Spirit and have done my best to stick to those. The fact that he is really discovering how amazing the Gospel can be if you live it is what I really love about being his friend. I can delight in the Gospel with him and it's an incredible feeling. I feel like I have a responsibility to him to be my best self so that I can always be a source of strength for him. In general, I am starting to feel that responsibility so that I can be a source of strength for anyone....but watching someone light up when they talk about the Gospel is a noble quality. I have witnessed the transforming and healing power of the atonement again. I had it in my own life, and now I'm witnessing it first hand in someone else's. He and I are so much alike in our desire to be perfect.....I think sometimes we both have too many expectations and try to cram too much in to our routine. We both feel the need to be know, like those people who are annoyingly perfect? In perfect health, be spiritually strong and also be educated and blah blah's nice to have someone in my life who understands that part of me. The hardest part is that we both fail at being perfect everyday because let's be honest, who's perfect? NO ONE! :) So anyways...that's that.

I need to stop being a bum and get in the shower now.

♥ Courtney ♥

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