Monday, September 15, 2008

Bittersweet Farewell...

Officially, after two rounds and almost three years, I have said goodbye to Canal Overlook Apartments for the last time. I gave my notice today and left. Most of you know if you follow my blog that my job, mainly my boss, has been a serious source of stress in my life over the last few years. We are literally polar being the positive and him the negative. We have had arguments, laughter, more arguments, and more arguments, and I wish I could say that I respect him as a businessman, but unfortunately it's kind of like when you learn from your parents mistakes how to be better parents...Well in this case, I'm learning how to do better business by watching him do bad business. I don't want to speak to ill of him because as a Christian, I do my very best to love everyone. He has more than tested that....I've been more upset at his behalf than any other human being I have ever encountered. I'm sure he might be able to say the same for me. We just don't see eye to eye...he thinks I'm too young, and I think he's too....well...mean and greedy? That's the best description I could come up with.

So now, for my last months in Indiana, I will be an admin assistant to a friend of mine who is a software developer. I couldn't have found a better job if I could have picked it out myself. It is such a blessing. And I'm so grateful to my Father in Heaven for the opportunity he has given me to spend the last few weeks in Indiana working for the same amount of money, with more flexibility and better hours. I start tomorrow. I'm excited!

I am really, truly content. And for the first time in the last few months....I feel peace. Life never has and never will be eutopia...but focusing on what's important, and prioritizing can really bring that peace. First, God. Second, yourself (meaning mental and physical health), and then serving those around will be the most beneficial if you work in that order. Now, granted, I just started putting this practice into motion, but I assure you that I have had some interesting curve balls thrown at me in the last couple of weeks alone that I could have and WOULD have handled differently if I wasn't close to the Spirit and not putting myself in the running on the priority list. I'm not necessarily handling them perfectly now either...but I know that I am letting the chips fall where they may and worrying about how I can be an instrument in the hands of the Lord without how it will benefit me anymore. Enough is enough when it comes to doing something because you expect something in return....that only brings frustration, guilt, and feelings of inadequacy. I've learned that you can't rely on other people to make you feel worthwhile by expecting them to put you first. You have to know that the Lord is never going to leave you and that you need to do what's best for you to progress towards returning to him.....and let the chips fall where they are meant to be.

Two great quotes:

1st....a German proverb that I now have on my mirror....Love the world as it is, not as you think it ought to be.

2nd...words of wisdom from Lynn Gotts....Put your oxygen mask on first, and then assist those around you. How can you help others if you aren't able to breath?

Okay loves...I'm off to enjoy the rest of my evening!

1 comment:

Laura said...

so...i'm just wondering how the new job is coming along...