Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I'm a little tea spout -- about to spout off some more.

What is the purpose of having a blog if you can't use it to complain?

It started last week -- the sore throat.

Then that disgusting drainage the runs down the back of your throat (you know it, you know it well...).

Then you start to get all achy and tired.

But you can't sleep.


Because you can't BREATHE.

So you blow your nose. And somehow, blowing your nose makes you more congested than you were before. You toss. You turn. There is no position in which you can lie, sit or stand that makes your congestion better.

I complain, yet I do not take medications to cover my symptoms. I suffer through them. I hate medicine. The non-drowsy kind makes me all loopy and the drowsy kind knocks me out for hours on end...so when I break down to take the medication...life stops altogether until the effects (did I use that word correctly, Kik?) have worn off.

I actually WANT to work (and desperately need the money, I assure you) but I feel as though I have been hit by a truck when I wake up after a few hours of sleep (and probably some crazy snoring due to the congestion -- I promise I'm a quiet sleeper when I'm cold/flu free).

I'm quite the whiner when I'm sick. I hate it. I sound like a pinch-nosed version of the bass section and look like Rudolph's earthly sister with my ruby red raw nose. I'm too cheap to buy Kleenex...a good ol' roll of toilet paper keeps my sprinting nose blown.

On another note....

Does anyone want to just give me some money? I'll even write a blog entry completely devoted to you. Kind of like a scholarship application of sorts. I've been utilizing my inability to be able to write scholarship essays all morning. Let's keep our fingers crossed that someone will think I'm talented and original enough to give me their money so I can have some more money for school expenses!!!

Ugh. I think it's time for a nap.


The Miranda's said...

sorry, i can't give you any money, but will my love do? and eva is sick too and she is not happy about it either...hang in there, it will work out!

Hyrum and Kiera said...

Yes, you used the word "effects" correctly. Thank you. :) I love you.