Thursday, June 26, 2008

Who's the ...ho?

I DA HO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A few weeks ago I was walking down the hallway at work and I pretty much heard a voice...."Courtney, go back to school".

I was sitting in my meeting with my bosses...."Courtney, go back to school".

I was getting a blessing...."Courtney, go back to school".

So after five years of being scared to start over, and after a talk with a friend, I put in my application to BYU-Idaho on Sunday.......

and last night I GOT ACCEPTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I'll be moving to the great state where potatoes flourish and boys are beautiful in January.

I can't explain all of the emotions I've experienced in the past 24 hours. Excitement first and foremost....followed by doubt, joy, sadness, happiness, relief, more doubt, worried, anxious, excited...pretty much anything you could imagine!

It's going to be hard. I'm basically starting over....moving to a new place, selling all of my stuff, leaving behind my friends, family and job. But I know it's the right thing to do....I know that I will have more opportunity there than I've ever had before. I just have to keep faith. HAVE FAITH. Those are the two most important words in my vocabulary. I will need your support. I will need encouragement. I will need to be pushed. My dad found out tonight...and well, he wasn't so excited. His apprehension was "I'm just curious to see if you're going to actually pull this off". Wow...thanks Dad! I love my dad, and I'm sure he's saying all he knows how to for his own set of reasons. He doesn't want to "get in my way".....maybe if he would have interfered five years ago....I wouldn't be where I'm at right now. But I am here....and I'm STOKED about what's to come. I'm also FREAKING I will need lots of prayers.

So that's the big news for now!


♥ Courtney ♥

1 comment:

Kristine & Richard Low said...

Courtney is going to the best school everrr!!!!! What are you thinking about studying??

P.S You are going to stand out spiritually there. Be yourself and speak your mind! I can't tell you how many people don't speak their mind, and I want you to just say what you're thinking and just be yourself. So many people will love you, I am soooo excited for you. If you have any questions on where to live, how to do stuff, where are the cool places to go---call me!!!! 317-460-8423. I'm sure you know lots of other peeps who go there but I thought I'd let you know I'm open to be an added resource. Kelly and I were jumping up and down when we found out. You rock.