Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Fourth of July!!!

Today was different than most fourth of julys for me...but it was good, nonetheless. The weather SUCKED...well it could have been worse, but it was rainy and kind of cold all day. But at least it stopped long enough to grill out!! I LOVE grilling out. Something about a burger or chicken off the grill with some corn on the cob and baked beans that just makes me happy! Needless to say, I have not restricted myself on the diet for the past two days with it being the holiday weekend and all. You have to let yourself splurge a bit sometimes in order to not go crazy. So anyways...I got to see my family and my babies (my two nieces and my nephew). I love those kids to peices!!
Allyson is on the left, Charliegh is in the middle and Hunter is on the right. They are little stinkers but I think they are gorgeous. It was a relaxing day.

I'm getting more and more nervous/excited about Idaho. Six months is a long time away but in the same boat, it's actually not far away at ALL. I'm going to study music and finish up the degree I started five years ago. The program is not as rigorous as Indiana's was so I should be okay. I need to start getting my voice back into shape though!!! And I need to start studying music a little to get it back in my brain (key signatures, notes, blah blah blah). I'm very much an "ear" singer...I hear things and they stick. I don't read music very well and I can't play piano to save my I'm going to have to get back to work on that. I'm looking forward to a fresh start. Not that things here are bad....but the opportunity to follow my dreams and become who I have always wanted is here and now and I'm going to take it!

So....that's the update for now!

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